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Princess Chi

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Posts posted by Princess Chi

  1. I was wondering if an animal update might be on the table? I believe this mod starvation mod which was the mod that got me into the game had most of these features. I am an animal LOVER. Pets and farm animals in games are my jam. They really add a whole new aspect to the game and complicated tasks to manage. It really extends the food survival progression as well as gives you so much more to do mid/end game. And it'd make meat a much more valuable resources considering the effort required to both obtain, breed, feed, and defend/keep your livestock alive as zombies would just love to eat them. First my absolute most wanted feature was the German Shepherd dog companions. The ones who'd help you attack or detect zombies? If I am remembering correctly you could train and breed them. I'd even be willing to pay real life USD to compensate the developers for the time it'd take to code/implement this and the farm animal thing. As well as donate my time to test everything. The GSD companion could be like a weapon sort of skill tree. Starting off as a wild animal you either tame by right clicking on them with meat in your hot bar or by killing them and obtaining a baby via a drop.
    Now onto the farm animals. This could be implemented via the farming class or a new class altogether. Chickens, would be the first skill unlocked. You'd need a coop (you design yourself) with bird nest to collect the eggs and feathers they produce. Pigs/Wild Boars would be the next skill point unlock would need a pig pen just with a feeding box and water box. They'd breed automatically and then you can slaughter the extras for meat, hide, and animal fat. Last but not least would be cows/bulls. They'd be the last skill point unlock under either the farmer class or the livestock class. You'd be able to breed them to make extras to slaughter and milk the females for milk to use in cooking! And the milk could lead to even more recipes. 


    Now onto horses. Even in The Walking Dead they realize gasoline is hard to come by and eventually expires. Making horses a very practical means of transportation. This can add a hole new aspect of gameplay. You could have to go catch your own wild horses, buy them from traders/ranchers, or even breed them to sell to other players. You'd also need to feed them, water them, provide medical treatment, craft bridles, saddles, and armor for them. And finally build enclosures for them as well as keep them safe from the zombies. 

    I am willing to help in any way I possibly can. Honestly if I could code it myself I would including add horses as they're a far more realistic mode of transportation during an apocalypse due to not needing gasoline and gasoline eventually expiring and being hard to make irl. But I don't think there'd be very much interest in horses anyways not many people are horse lovers such as myself. Anyways thank you so much for taking the time to read my suggestion. I absolutely adore this mod and I'm extremely grateful to all those who made it happen
  2. I was wondering if an animal update might be on the table? I believe this mod starvation mod which was the mod that got me into the game had most of these features. I am an animal LOVER. Pets and farm animals in games are my jam. They really add a whole new aspect to the game and complicated tasks to manage. It really extends the food survival progression as well as gives you so much more to do mid/end game. And it'd make meat a much more valuable resources considering the effort required to both obtain, breed, feed, and defend/keep your livestock alive as zombies would just love to eat them. First my absolute most wanted feature was the German Shepherd dog companions. The ones who'd help you attack or detect zombies? If I am remembering correctly you could train and breed them. I'd even be willing to pay real life USD to compensate the developers for the time it'd take to code/implement this and the farm animal thing. As well as donate my time to test everything. The GSD companion could be like a weapon sort of skill tree. Starting off as a wild animal you either tame by right clicking on them with meat in your hot bar or by killing them and obtaining a baby via a drop.
    Now onto the farm animals. This could be implemented via the farming class or a new class altogether. Chickens, would be the first skill unlocked. You'd need a coop (you design yourself) with bird nest to collect the eggs and feathers they produce. Pigs/Wild Boars would be the next skill point unlock would need a pig pen just with a feeding box and water box. They'd breed automatically and then you can slaughter the extras for meat, hide, and animal fat. Last but not least would be cows/bulls. They'd be the last skill point unlock under either the farmer class or the livestock class. You'd be able to breed them to make extras to slaughter and milk the females for milk to use in cooking! And the milk could lead to even more recipes. 


    Now onto horses. Even in The Walking Dead they realize gasoline is hard to come by and eventually expires. Making horses a very practical means of transportation. This can add a hole new aspect of gameplay. You could have to go catch your own wild horses, buy them from traders/ranchers, or even breed them to sell to other players. You'd also need to feed them, water them, provide medical treatment, craft bridles, saddles, and armor for them. And finally build enclosures for them as well as keep them safe from the zombies. 

    I am willing to help in any way I possibly can. Honestly if I could code it myself I would including add horses as they're a far more realistic mode of transportation during an apocalypse due to not needing gasoline and gasoline eventually expiring and being hard to make irl. But I don't think there'd be very much interest in horses anyways not many people are horse lovers such as myself. Anyways thank you so much for taking the time to read my suggestion. I absolutely adore this mod and I'm extremely grateful to all those who made it happen
  3. The main feature of the game that enticed me to buy it in the first place and which led to me falling head over heels in love with it is the whole sandbox open world building aspect. I put tons of time into both building and designing my bases. My goal is for them to look like a house people dream to live in yet also a bad ass and defensible compound.


    One of the issues I've run into while building my dream base (home base not horde base) is the limited paint options... All of the paint options are "dirty" which make the houses I built appear to have been bombed or appear to have been built pre-apocalypse. Which is awesome and immersive for POIs. But NOT for a brand new house that I spent hundreds of real life hours in game collecting resources for, designing, and building. It should look like the brand new base/house/compound it is. Also we need all of the paint options used for POIs accessible through the paint brush. We shouldn't have to physically go to a poi and use a paint brush to copy the paint off of the POI. If its a matter of finding/making textures feel free to reach out to me. I can either create some of my own or enlist the help of others to do so. I'm sure tons of people would be happy to volunteer.


    My second grievance is animals. Even in The Walking Dead they realize gasoline is hard to come by and eventually expires. Making horses a very practical means of transportation. This can add a hole new aspect of gameplay. You could have to go catch your own wild horses, buy them from traders/ranchers, or even breed them to sell to other players. You'd also need to feed them, water them, provide medical treatment, craft bridals, saddles, and armor for them. And finally build enclosures for them as well as keep them safe from the zombies. 


    Finally that brings me to livestock. We already have gardening/farming and mods which have attempted to implement this and oh boy is it fun but buggy. In a real apocalypses we'd be farming animals for food. Like cows for milk and meat. Pigs for meat. Chicken for eggs.  We can build our own chicken coop or cow pen with defenses from the zombies and nests for the chickens like the ones in game. It'd add a whole new level to the game. 


    A lot of the models are already there like the chickens and wild boars. The vehicles can easily be repurposed for the horses for transportation.

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