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Posts posted by Umbreon5

  1. Alright, I tried to change some settings, but it seems to have ignored my changes for the most part. Wiggling still only happens for a single frame or two before breaking the lockpick instantly, even if I set it to the (if I'm reading correctly) maximum range of 5f, where it was at 1f normally. The turn speed of the lockpick also didn't change when i tried to increase it to test. I think the range of the "correct spot" is in did change, but it has odd results like making it so the lock doesn't turn even partially when i'm near the spot, but reaching the spot has the lock turn completely, so I'm not even sure if it did take the new values.

    In general, it seems to just not be taking my settings at all.


    Also mouse movement settings seem to be way too complicated for me to change and don't appear to make it so the lock moves only in a specific angle, and rather just move in multiple directions.

    Sorry, but I think I'm just going to sit out of this mod for the time being. It's way too difficult to use in both gameplay and setting changes. The default settings are not easy at all.

  2. 6 hours ago, xyth said:

    Keyhole.cs is the main file to edit.  There is a lot of documentation in that file that should show you what sections do what.


    We didnt implement cypher locks, maybe in A20 but since this mod wasnt popular Im not sure how much time we will put into expanding it.

    Thanks but some pointers would be genuinely helpful. Having to read an entire C# file myself is really not comfortable.

  3. 9 hours ago, xyth said:

    I'm not at PC but the mod is completely configurable in the code.  I found the mouse to make things tough but the current settings make it almost too easy if you use the keyboard.  I'm not sure about improving the mouse control as I just used the keys but I can look at it.

    I think I found the settings now, though I'm not sure if I should be changing Cipher.cs, Keyhole.cs or maybe something else. Basically I just really need help understanding what I'm even looking at. I know a bit of C# code, but not enough to just read this and find my way around.


    There's so many settings here that I'm not even sure where to start to improve the difficulty. I'd like for the lockpick wiggling when not at the correct spot to last longer and be a lot closer to what it is like in Skyrim. At (seemingly) default values the lockpick seems to wiggle for a single frame or two before breaking it, instantly punishing me for being on the wrong spot in the lock. It'd be better if it lasted longer than that like to allow for reaction time.


    I think I also see a setting to speed up the lockpick's movement speed when using the arrow keys, but I'm not too sure if I am looking in the right place. But if you can make it so it can actually follow the mouse instead of rotating the lockpick all over in strange directions (not moving it the way the keyboard does) that'd be great.

  4. How do I tweak the lockpick difficulty in the core? I looked at the blocks.xml and the .cs files but I can't find my way around towards just making the mod easier.


    It seems to be really difficult as is, even with all 3 levels of the lockpicking perk. Lockpicks break instantly instead of wiggling at all, and the placement of the lock is about as specific as Advanced or Master locks are in Skyrim, which makes finding the exact spot take quite some time. I took 22 attempts to open a lock just now when I can open master locks just fine in Skyrim. I've yet to find a lock that is remotely easy.

    Would there also be any way to speed up the lockpick cursor movement speed, or make it follow the mouse like it does in Skyrim? The way it is is really slow so it's easy to lose track of where I last found the correct spot in the lock. Trying to use my mouse seems to "rotate" the lockpick instead of actually moving it.


    Regardless, this is a very interesting concept of a mod and being able to have this system in a game that didn't have a minigame whatsoever in place is impressive, and the work done here is really nice.

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