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Posts posted by skjeln

  1. So me and my friends are having an interesting problem on a dedicated server running the latest mod version. My brother was on his way to a quest when the zombies stopped moving and his motorbike started to sink into the ground. I enabled DM and went to the area that he was now stuck in and checked it for myself. So the chunks stopped loading in once you entered that chunk and no chunk would load in after that, even one's you've been to before. We were stuck there so we tested by using console commands to teleport to someone with an uncorrupted(?) chunk. Success! We were fine there and went about our way to do other things, BUT. The second we tried to leave the chunk our base was built on we started falling through the ground. Also grass wouldn't grow or enemies spawn in afflicted areas.  We Logged out and back in, no dice. Restarted server, fearing corrupted world. Server restarted just fine everything's peachy. Get near said chunk again and the world falls apart again. To test if it was a server issue or not I entered a solo world on the same map Vsmall1 and the same chunk on a fresh world did the same thing. We're now 25 days in to this server and finally surviving horde night successfully but we're afraid we need to migrate to a new world JUST IN CASE someone runs into a corrupted pocket and ruins the server. I've tried manually running rcd commands on the server but it tells me there are no errors to correct. Anyone else ever had this problem or have experience fixing this issue or something similar? Logs don't show any errors different than what's in the command console, Attached is the errors I had on my solo world after replicating the issue. 
    Thanks in advance!

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