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Posts posted by Melita

  1. So a friend of mine was excited that his wife decided to take helicopter pilot training. When I asked him why .. he said "That way we can escape easier when the zombie apocalypse happens."

    I told him that he should have no fear because I have boats and we can easily escape using them. we got into a whole discussion about which would be better.. I decided to put it to forum.

    what do you think?


    Moderator note: This was actually a spam account and has been handled, but we're leaving it open for the sake of the earnest discussion that followed.

  2. Hello everyone,,

    i rly love zombie games and have just seen this on steam, i was wondering wether i should buy it even thought the graphics dnt look the best and it isnt fully released yet,

    help is appreciated.


    Moderator note: This was actually a spam account and has been handled, but we're leaving it open for the sake of the earnest discussion that followed.

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