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Posts posted by Tpunk21

  1. On 12/29/2021 at 12:36 PM, Gouki said:

    Thoughts: I wonder why the curiosity for this simple change, in previous versions the tires gave resourceForgedSteel and resourceOil, and no person was curious about that, the detail is the acid.

    Oh well the reason I didn't bring up the forged steel. Is there are a bunch of things in the game. That reliably give forged steel. Without the need of RNG. Acid on the other hand is obnoxious. I don't need a special book. Or to pray to RNJesus to get steel. I just need to whack a broken vending machine. Which was why that curiosity came up. There was a mod that let you bypass. One of the most RNG ridden annoying resources. By making the RNG just smack tire. Have a chance to get a tire. Which is logical and made sense. Not every tire you pick up will be useable. Check a few till you find one. That doesn't have any holes. Then use that to make your vehicle XD. But I'm not a mod dev. So whichever way you feel is best. Is the best course of action. Thus now a mod to straight up circumvent acid. Has now been found.

  2. So one thing I am curious about. Was the choice of how to rework useful tires. I remember using this mod in alpha 19. It was nice for a low chance. To just pick up a tire. bypassing the need for acid. Acid is by far the most annoying aspect. Of doing any vehicle in this game. I honestly struggle to understand the point. Of simply replacing one resource. You already got for breaking a tire. With rubber while still making you need acid. Isn't the point of adding a mod. To make things different or possibly better. Than the devs ham fisted way of balancing things? But at the same time. I might be missing something in the design process. Some reasoning or logic might be eluding me. So I thought I would ask. As who better to explain such. Than the person who made the modlet to begin with.

  3. So I played a bit in A19.1 and something always confused me so I thought Id ask a question.


    Whats the point of intrinsic immunity? Because I could never really figure it out. While searching this forum didn't help much.


    According to description its supposed to give disease resistance and a chance to shrug off disease. Now I've played a good bit of vanilla and aside from infection. The only two diseases are food poisoning and dysentery. Which in your own words on this forum the perk does not do. Or if it was changed to. Now prevents them at rank 5. Making it have essentially 4 dead levels to eat your points. [based on what the description says mind you.]


    Is it only for infection? Being only for infection is fine infection is annoying. Knowing you have a perk in your back pocket to help with it is nice. But if it is shouldn't the description just say that? o.o It would be less confusing that way I think. Unless I am completely missing something or its been changed now. Wanted to ask before I pick up the latest version.

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