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Posts posted by SBD493

  1. The problem has fixed itself. Every subsequent quest, the "stuck" trader supplies moved one space over in the inventory. When the supplies were in the last slot in the inventory, I accepted another quest. When I got to the location and activated the yellow exclamation mark, the game instantly told me to return to the trader. I had not even entered the building of the quest location. And so I returned to the trader. He took the stuck supplies. What a strange glitch. 🤔

  2. Hey everyone, 

    I have done countless quests for the traders. After one of them, I went back to the trader to collect the reward. He didn´t take the supplies, and he didn´t give me the reward. I don´t care about the reward, but the supplies have been  stuck in my inventory since then. I started a new quest to see if the game will catch on, but it didn´t. The trader only took the "new" supplies, and the old ones are still stuck in my inventory. I did another quest, and tried to manually place the trader supplies in the spot where the old ones are, but it wouldn´t let me. The spot in my inventory is blocked. 


    I went to different traders, and did quest for them, but they all just ignore the trader supplies. The item has been stuck in my inventory for a while now. I back up my gameplay after every time I play.

    Does anyone know what I could do fix this? Is there a trick?

    Thanks in advance.

    Greetings from Germany.



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