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Posts posted by BigB0iiiJ0nes

  1. 11 minutes ago, faatal said:

    I've thought about it, but don't know when or if it will be added. It is triggered in AI and vehicle code.

    It'd be great if it could be implemented. Blood spilling mechanics add so much feedback to combat. You guys already have a decent dismemberment system and have a blood system working for the vehicles it'd be kind of pointless not to officially port it over to the combat as a whole. If performance is a concern maybe have it be a toggle in the graphics settings. I really hope to see this. Anyways with it being triggered with AI and vehicle will mods be able to accomplish this? I haven't delved too deep into modding this game yet just wondering if it's possible.

  2. Will the blood splatter mechanics be applied to normal melee damage and shooting as well? If not will the blood spilling mechanics from vehicles fully come over to normal combat? Also could it be modded for normal hits right now or is it hard coded into the game?

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