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Posts posted by tmitch554

  1. Hi guys is there a way to create a command to allow players to spawn zombies around them to give them a better horde at horde night?

    Thanks in advance


    Yes it is possible, however, not with the current state of the mod. It would have to be added as a new feature.


    hey guys ive been using your servertools 3.7 on my server it rocks i have just switched to starvation mod tho and my /sethome or any of the home related fuctions seem to not work wen i try and set home it reads as (ethome ) and is in orange am i doin something wrong


    IIRC, the command "/s" is a command that is read by the Starvation mod, so I think the work around was that you had to disable any custom chat functions the mod provides to get it work properly.

  2. [ATTACH]16839[/ATTACH]


    here is the config place next to your Navezgane folder



    if you can post your log file so i can figure out why its not writing the config for you. i have tested at least 10 times and works every time for me


    Aha I figured it out. So I checked the logs and below is what it was throwing when starting the server.


    2016-09-22T23:32:59 1.005 INF [MODS] Trying to load from ServerTools
    2016-09-22T23:32:59 1.011 WRN [MODS] Not loading DLL, only supported on the dedicated server build
    2016-09-22T23:32:59 1.012 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Server Tools (3.3)
    2016-09-22T23:32:59 1.012 INF [MODS] Loading done


    On the server, I was using the steam client version of the game. I would have thought maybe the executables weren't different because the file sizes were the same, but they must be different. So I modified my steamCMD to pull down the A15 branch instead of the latest stable to get the dedicated server version and now it works :)

  3. it may take a few mins to write the config depending on the speed of the server. Are you sure you are looking in the correct place?

    are you using linux?


    Nope, I'm running a dedicated windows server. I'll install it again and run the server for 10 mins to see if it shows up. I also did a search in the root directory for the file with no luck.

  4. try the new one i just updated. Check the first post



    Added Reserved Slots to the mod. Will kick the player with the least amount of crafted items.

    Added Watchlist to the mod. Will alert online admins when the watchlisted player is online.

    (Console Commads Usage: watchlist add <steamID> <reason>, watchlist remove <steamID>, watchlist list)

    Fixed Motd not showing the correct player name

    Updated invalid items list (NOTE: will need to delete InvalidItems.xml if you want the updated list if items)

    Changed ServerToolsConfig.xml & ServerToolsPhrases.xml will now update themselves if needed. No need to delete them anymore.

    Updated day7 to include a15 zombies


    Nope, no luck there :( Still doesn't generate the config xml's. Also, I have never used this mod before so no configs previously existed.

  5. I'm on A15 b83 and I've installed the mod and it doesn't seem to create the config xml in the save folder, thus the rest doesn't seem to work. I got the latest and compiled it so technically version 3.3, but I also tried the stable 3.2 and that didn't work either. I placed the the files in the Mods folder in their own directory and I am using a custom save location, but also tried the default with no success. I also am not using any other mods.


    I do thank you for using github though with C#, because I definitely want to create some modifications of my own and this will hopefully act as a jumping off point :)

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