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Posts posted by Ruvicken

  1. 8 hours ago, q123 said:
    2021-06-25T12:47:05 8.874 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: War3zuk 100k Stacks (Datbird Edit)
    2021-06-25T12:47:07 10.673 INF User joined: datbird


    looks like, you have edited yourself some of the mods by hand, right?

    I've never tested it, but "100k Stacks" for example sounds like a game breaker for me.


    Yes, it originally was just 25k stacks, and I wanted to see what happened if I went to 100k. I didn't see anything happen at first, but I suppose it is possible it was part of the problem.

  2. So, it seems that Tactical Action by IvanDX and War3zuk's ProPoints are the culprit here for the character file corruptions. I am personally tired of trying to figure out how to stop the files from becoming corrupted, but I am uncertain what to do at this point. The game is overly grindy with the points system being extensively slow, which is why I had pro points in the first place to make it more enjoyable. I never had this problem before, it only started those few days ago. It always says trying to read past end of stream when I have these mods, and looking in the log files only gives me that and a burst of red text repeating that it is failing to restore or read my character file.

  3. So War3zuk Pro Points was one of the offending mods, but I learned it was not the only one causing the crashes. Seems I will have to try and figure out what else is corrupting the character files. I am unsure why something that simply changes the value of exp needed for a level up would damage the character files, but for all I know, there could somehow be an even deeper underlying issue I do not know about.

  4. spacer.png

    So I got this error while testing the mods, and I cannot figure out which one is causing it. It plays nice after testing each one, but this red text error popped out of nowhere when I got to this area. All I did was walk around and do the quest, yadda yadda ya, and traded with the trader a bit before getting to this point. Stopped me right before I got to the tower.

  5. I keep having problems where the character constantly resets after every game I play. Below here is the most recent even that occurred today. I don't quite understand why it is doing this, as I never got any red text warnings or anything of the sort, just this... repeat of a serious annoyance. Here is the log for what had happened. https://pastebin.com/jA8RW45V

    I play with mods, but they never had an issue. This is moreso a sudden occurrence and I have been dealing with this for a few days now. I have already cleared game data once and uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I don't really understand what to do at this point. 

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