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Posts posted by OmegaFerret

  1. 7 hours ago, Riamus said:

    If you have ever used a mod on that game and the mod has custom items and any of those are still in your drone after you removed the mod, that could be the cause.  Otherwise, I can't tell you why it is giving you the problem.  But placing it back down might solve it.  It basically resets the drone info in the drone file when you pick it up and put it down.  If it still gives errors after putting it back down, you might have to just get a new drone and get rid of that one.


    You could also pick up the drone and then exit the game and delete both drone files from your save folder and then try again.  There is also a console command you could try while the drone is in your inventory:  jd clear


    In both cases, if you're hosting a multiplayer game, it would be better to have everyone pick up their drones before trying those.

    No mods of the game for me just base game.

    Put the drone down as empty and closed the game. got the error. But when i logged back in the drone was actually gone so i am having to build a new one.


  2. 6 hours ago, Riamus said:

    I'm not the best at reading these but it looks like it *might* be related to your drone.  Try picking up your drone and then exit the game and see if you will get that error.  If there isn't an error, you might be okay just putting the drone back down and not have any more problems.  If there is still an error, perhaps someone else has a suggestion.

    Yep that was it. Logged into the game picked up drone then logged out and no problem that time. gonna see if its a problem if there is something in its having something in its inventory or just having the drone out itself.

    And it is having the drone itself out.


  3. i noticed a few leapers up on top of your overhang. that just chilled out there most of the time. Maybe a second person a bit above you instead to shoot them off when they leap up there.

    So instead of you both being in 1 spot. Stack 1 person on top of the other that way one can shoot down at the zombies and the other straight at them. They should still run that path right to you.


  4. 3 hours ago, zztong said:

    Okay, I now know. I fired up the game, found the POI, started a horde night. The cell tower stood. After the horde finished, I went below and looked. They hadn't touched the POI, so I thought I'd beat it up... All it takes to make the upper third of the cell tower collapse is to remove one block of the ladder near the ground, so a mere 500 hit points of damage and the top of the tower will collapse.






    Now is this suppose to happen or some kind of bug or stability problem?

  5. I would like to thank those in this thread for explaining  things to me about this. I was really curious. Also how do you get the stability colors to show up?

    Im thinking of trying to build a cell tower like structure and want to kinda make it so the zombies can climb up it like i do and make it so it wont break down easily.


  6. 4 hours ago, zztong said:


    That narrows it down. Cell Tower #1 and the upper third. There are two blocks supporting that section. If you eliminate one Iron Ladder (500 hit points) and one Metal Trussing Block (1,000 hit points) then the upper third alone will fall.


    But your 3rd picture is puzzling to me. You lost a steel block (10,000 hit points) and a few things hanging below it that. I'm wondering if they were lost after structural integrity failed, as that process can destroy otherwise supported blocks.

    are those points that caused it to fall down at the bottom of the tower? or closer to the top of the tower? cus again the tower breaking happens right at the 22:00 mark when the blood moon starts.

  7. 8 hours ago, warmer said:

    Back in the day there was the red barn of doom that would collapse if you removed a single block. I would bet the towers stability is just BARELY stable enough to keep it upright. Have you tried looking at that tower in Dev mode to see all the structural integrity? My guess is there is one or two blocks that are JUST on the edge of breaking and that is causing the stability check to fail when you are on it. I have collapsed bases by adding a forge when it was close to breaking.

    its not the whole tower though. just like the top 1/3 im gonna tonight try to find the tower that last colapsed on me to see if i can get back up. The zombies where able to get up the tower still.


  8. 13 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    There is probably a strict stability check that is triggered for blood moon and you being on it is enough to cause it to fall when that happens.  Maybe try being down the ladder a ways until after 2200 and see if that helps.  Otherwise, try doing a little building on there to add extra support.

    One of them i did build like supports between a part of the tower to stand on or to put a campfire in case i got cold. That might be it. But i have done this in other maps and didnt have the same problem. Its just awkward maybe next time i do it ill try to record it.

  9. 2 hours ago, zztong said:


    It would be handy to know the name of the POI. There are a couple of cell towers in Vanilla, plus some in modlets. It's possible the cell tower you're on isn't very durable.


    Zombies will attack structures under certain conditions, such as not having a path to get to you. A blood moon insures they know where you are so the number of zombies that might be interested in tearing down your cell tower is higher than normal.

    Its like Cell Tower #8 or Cell tower #2.

    I know blood moon zombies know there i am at. But the thing is even before they spawn or right when they spawn the top part of the tower just crumbles. Not the whole thing just the top like half or 3/4ths of it that i am up on.

    The thing i right as it hits the 22:00 and the blood moon starts the tower just starts to fall.

  10. So we have a police man zombie but no firefighter zombie?


    Maybe a highschool football zombie.

    Any other zombies that would be kinda interesting?  Doctor zombie. mechanic zombie.

  11. So I have been playing around on the game.  I tend to find like a Cell tower thing to climb up to the highest point and shoot or hit zombies that are climbing up during the blood moons.

    But the last 2 i had in my gen world crashed down as soon as the blood moon started  causing me to drop from the top down lower.  I dont know what causes this or why.

  12. So i am attempting to generate a map with this (go the prefab thing done too.) But every time i spawn into my created world I am spawning into Water. I have all the water settings set at low. I can see buildings in the background when i try to swim to them they turn to water. There are giant like cracks and waterfalls in the water as well that i can fall into then when i hit the bottom of the map i die. I have tried to respawn and re make the map. done it twice with the same effect. Am i missing anything?

    Edit - I think i might have moved things into the wrong folder so lets see if that changes anything.

    Edit 2- followed the Comp pac install video now i am not generating any maps.

    Edit 3- Restarted computer. Now generating maps. Maybe i am watching old out dated install videos?

    edit 4 - Nope still everything is nearly underwater.

    https://imgur.com/a/Hw1AsaG Image of what is happening here

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