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Posts posted by AtlasP

  1. On 7/12/2023 at 7:46 PM, terrorclaw said:

    After finally getting a stun baton - which I appreciate it being harder to acquire now - once I was able to craft my own and a crafted repulsor mod, NO stun batons ever charge anymore. Furthermore, the repulsor doesn't do a thing. 

    I've switched to my old baton, no charge. I've crafted new ones (up to tier 5 now) and still no dice. I don't really know which broke it, but it was either me crafting a stun baton or adding my crafted repulsor mod. After I did both of those things, no more stunning from my stun baton.

    I am playing Vanilla with no mods.


    Anybody else seeing this?


    Just experienced this exact bug. Restarting client didn't fix. (Not sure if restarting server would've fixed.) Removing and replacing repulsor mod immediately didn't fix. @Shirudo_Hogo's recommended suggestion above *DID* fix.

  2. 3 hours ago, saminal said:

    Hey, was just thinking about this again.. entirely up to you of course, but you could have the sinks with the same speed as dew collectors and requiring the same / similar resources to craft? Then the mechanic / balancing is the same, but people can have their functional kitchens?


    I think that's a solid idea with the two key criteria you listed: same cost/difficulty to craft and same resulting speed. (Taps barely working slowly and the water from them still needing filtered still fits narratively as well as game-mechanically for me.)

  3. Absolutely love the concept of "Sam's Working Stuff" which I have used for ages.


    Is it possible to get a version that removes the sink functionality? (Prefer our community server to stay a little closer to vanilla mechanics, just with the usual QOL/UI improvements and additional deco choices.)

  4. Really like it.. Except is it possible to make the tabs in the bottom left (that switch between simple UI and vanilla) only show while inventory is open?

  5. Trying to find a good seed for our new community 7dtd server. Ideally we want at least 3-4 good cities in the pine forest and at least 2-3 good cities in each of the other biomes. I would especially appreciate good seeds that use these settings and meet these criteria.



  6. Time to share your seeds again!

    Please post
    Seed name : 
    Biome adjustment settings : 
    Screenshot : 
    Number of traders if known : 


    You can find out details on POI and trader placement via this tool (already updated for A21): https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/ .

    Please not that this thread is NOT for discussion of Nitrogen/KingGen. This is for seeds using the in-game RWG mixer.


    Also note that it is helpful to provide the full selection menu options used when creating the seed as they will change the layout.



    (I just duplicated this post from the A20 one because I was hoping to see one for A21. Please let me know if there's a problem with this/not trying to step on any toes.)

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