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Posts posted by Numinous

  1. thank you for your skeptical, diminishing response. issue resolved.

    If we're just playing some robotic logical soulless assessment.
    You know, how is any accomplishment verified- how do I know you typed out that post and it wasn't constructed by someone who ghost wrote it for you, or some weirdly callous neural network.  how do I know you didn't forge your uni certs, or that you've done anything you've ever claimed with any token or badge you have.

    You could apply that reasoning ad nasuem to diminish anything earned with enough mental gymnastics.

    The whole point was more that it's inconsiderate to people who grinded it. 


  2. I've got it.
    if the biker zombies are supposed to be the Dukes gang members, what if at 250 kills we get a togglable back/front tattoo of their insignia on our player model that eludes to being a duke gang member (or ex one)

    that's perfect. then we're all happy.
    no need to redo acheivements- 250 kills earns the back tattoo. everyones happy.

  3. You guys reduced the qualifation after us tryhards spent all that time getting it.
    Sure make it accesible but you completely diminished the monumentous acheivement that was, can we at least get a badge or something.
    Like just SOMETHING for that, sucks to have that suddenly be a worthless accomplishment that I worked so hard on.
    Bet others feel the same.

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