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Posts posted by Raptortwenty2

  1. Yea I agree I think they should just make it more realistic … like even the most unrealistic call of duty gets it right from years ago, and also the 2x and on scopes shouldn’t black out the whole screen. It’s maddening 

  2. Nothing bothers me more than the lever action showing you load 3 rounds when you have 5 in the gun. Like can we just have it to where it loads each bullet, it might cost more time when doing a empty reload but I know it just bothers everyone. And don’t get me started in the pump shot gun😭😭

  3. No the pipe baton is or should be in between the wooden club and baseball bat it is nowhere near compares to the piece of @%$# stun baton. But you have to realize there’s a reason why they are homemade guns they are garbage and that’s good you’re not supposed to survive with a piece of duct tape and barrel. it just helps out. so the reload times are perfectly fine. I think the pipe machine gun almost does too much damage because you’d probably rather take a tier 5 over even a tier 2 AK because it does more damage

    It would be nice if the pipe weapons had a chance to misfire or even break in your hands randomly requiring to be fixed. It looks like it took 5 minutes to make the gun(like not the model but realistically what it would look like) and it should be as reliable as the pipe weapons are

  4. I feel like getting rid of the reinforced concrete in drying times is kind of counterintuitive being panicked that your concrete wasn’t going to dry in time was part of seven days and now there’s even less building block tiers.  I know they increase the health on the box but there should be just a more variety such as reinforced stone or something 

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