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Posts posted by FSM

  1. 17 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    Buried supplies only means you turned trader protection off. You can't just turn it off in A20 or you'll only get buried supplies quests.


    Second world, restarted with EAC on. Day 2 trader reset itself afetr doing 4 quests. It's now only giving me buried supplies. Any other ideas what could be happening?

  2. Server hosted on PingPerfect.

    It is modded.


    I have completed the first 3 tiers pf quests and started out fine getting fetches and clears etc, then I noticed I started getting only buried supplies quests. All three tiers are just buried supplies. I also noticed that after multiple tries to do a "givequest test_fetch" I cannot start them as it comes up with a bedroll error every time. I don't know if it's related but traders don't seem to be protected either. I don't want to post a complete server log as I am not the server owner, I can post snippets if I need to.



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