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Posts posted by EsTygo

  1. Hey, i need some help on the server. The server is in pretty bad shape, and i cant get it to work properly.


    I've noticed theres some quests causing alot of issues. One thing that happens is that u can't loot containers anymore. I started getting this issue like an hour ago on the server. When u relog, the problem goes away, for a little while, then it returns. Every time you reconnect the time before the bug starts tends to get shorter, so opening containers stops working after just a few containers, or in worst case, no matter how much u restart u can't open any containers at all. This however is not the only issue.. the server starts lagging, and zombies start moving super fast, occasionally teleporting, fps gets worse, and zombies start attacking your character on positions you were at earlier, which causes you to lose hp. So ur basically hit by invisible zombies with no way to dodge them. 


    I had this problem before, and i managed to fix it by removing all quests and restarting game, after that containers started working again. Occasionally however the problem reappears. Now i was able to find again a quest that was blinking on the map causing the problem, so i removed it and restarted. The problem reappeared a few minutes later, and after maybe 5th restart, and zombies starting to lag, i decided it was no longer safe at CDC so i took my gyro and decided to fly back to base. I also could not just log out with my gyro on the roof, cause last time i did that, when i logged back in gyro had disappeared along with all loot. While i was flying back to base, the graphics started to go weird and foggy, and game wouldnt render properly. Because of this and some lag, i crashed with my gyro on the roof of a house only 50m from my base. Some zombies awoke, and these were the nasty invisible ones. I was taking alot of damage without actually taking any hits. I managed to kill all the zombies, and stay alive just barely. The copter was acting weird and glitching also, and i couldnt get it off the roof. I decided to move my stuff into my motorcycle and then pick up my gyro, then drive the bike down from the roof and head to base. I was very careful not to wake up more zombies. I placed a bed on the concrete roof to heal up myself to be safe, but the bed just exploded. Some kind of bug. I at least treated all my wounds to not lose more hp since i could not heal my guy. Suddenly my hp went down and i had just one hp left. There was no zombies around, and nothing was draining my hp. I looked through my status effects, and everything seemed fine. About a minute later, i suddenly died. Like something was draining on my hp that wasnt in the descriptions. I'm not sure, but it might have had something to do with the bug i had the other day, where i was suddenly unable to get wellness from food, eventho i had perfect diet. I was unable to open any containers, and i restarted game many times, but every time i enter the game i still cant open containers. I cant get back my backpack with all my gears, and im afraid the gyrocopter and motorbike will disappear too, especially if theres a server reset or so.


    I'm level 60 on the server with 4k zombie kills and 0 deaths so far... its very annoying to die from the combination of all these bugs and issues. Even more annoying if i lose all my gears i worked so hard to get, cause i cant pick up my backpack anymore. I usually play with just 1 life, and do complete restart if i die, but now there was nothing i could do to avoid death, so its rather annoying.


    I hope there's some solution to these bugs, and some way i could get my stuff back. Thx in advance if you can help out, Spider. If nothing can be done, i'm probably not motivated enough to continue the game anymore. If you need details of some of the bugs, ill try to give a better description or answer questions. 



  2. On 1/20/2021 at 5:08 PM, Spider said:



    Thanks for the bug report I'll get it fixed. Ill reset your player on the server when get home from work today.

    Thanks for the wipe! :) Well done with the fixes also. ^^

  3. I ran into a bug on the server, here's what happened.


    I started out today, and while i was choosing traits i accidentally clicked "bad leg" when i meant to click "slow driver". I only noticed this after, so i was left with 1 excess point and a character that's limping. I immediately decided to reset character, so i found myself some glass and did Dead Is Dead. When i woke up i still had a bad leg...


    Any way to wipe/start a new character? It would also be nice if it was possible to reset the 2 deaths you get from Dead is Dead since i usually play with 0 deaths...


    Thanks! Really enjoying the mod, i think its now the best it has ever been. ^^

  4. Hay guys working on ore distribution. How do we want it? By depth? Biome? SubBiome?


    I like to have a reason to travel to another biome, or search a specific biome, so i like the idea of having specific ores appear in different biomes. However i would prefer smaller amounts to still be found in every biome. I don't like to be forced (as opposed to encouraged) to move around too much, esp for basic materials because i find that the game gets much easier once you loot the best pois or towns etc, whereas i enjoy surviving just barely with the loot from the first poi i can find and constant 50 zombies after me.


    I generally agree with your idea of making it harder to have underground bases. I'm guessing many of those who play true survival for the challenge like myself, already have decided to not build/hide underground, cause its just boring as long as zombies cant dig down, yet i understand that some players, esp new ones might wanna do that sometimes. I think even just 3 layers ontop is enough to make an underground base, so i agree with your suggestion which will make it a little bit more uneasy, but still possible (would be even better with nasty things spawning underground). Perhaps some ores could be found deeper down which require steel tools? Or more dense forms of the ores.

  5. And now the question to everyone!

    I'm pretty far in the tech tree right now, but there's the one thing slowing me down - metal workbench. All the materials needed for it are not that hard to get, except "hubcaps" (you need them for the steam generator). From what I have seen you can not craft them (only hubcap mines) and I did not happen to find any throughout my scavenging sessions (tons of hubcap mines though). Disassembling cars doesn't yield hubcaps too. So, my question is: Anyone knows where to get them?


    I know in vanilla you can get them in the wasteland biome just laying around on the ground. Hitting them with a pickaxe will collect them.

  6. With so many different plants i think it would be cool to give a bit more identity to each. I have 2 ideas regarding that.


    My first idea is a system of different type of buffs from eating certain combinations of foods. Different food items could carry properties like sweetness for example. There could be different amounts such as: low, average, high, depending on the refinement-level of the food item. Each of these properties such as sweetness, would translate to a buff of one of 3 basic colors (red, yellow, blue). These buffs would be not be very useful yet, but eating an item of another color would combine with the previous color to one of 3 combined colors (orange, green, purple). These secondary colors would each translate to a new, useful buff. (They could also contain a negative buff, opposite of the other colors so that you should choose buff depending on your activity). Perhaps combining all 3 categories would combine into a buff (white) that would be a general buff, but not as useful for a specific task as the other combined colors. Strength of the buff would also depend on the property-amount of the ingredients.


    My second idea is to translate different types of foods into exp. Eating a varied diet would then lead to a buff, and at the end of the buff you would get an item that can be used in crafting, which in turn would give you exp in one of the skill groups. (For example "written notes", that you could use in the science table to craft the exp for yourself). The more varied your diet is the more notes you get at the end of the buff. In addition to this, each type of farmable plant could be used for the different skill groups. Something like "written notes" + alot of bananas = xp for science. This could give another reason to farm different types of plants at different times. I would also give an alternative to grinding that still offers a slow progression.

  7. Thought-

    What do ya'll think about removing the Weapon Crafting Skill and putting all the weapons in their material group. So Bows and Wooden Club would be Wood Working, Iron Club and Spears would be Iron Working and so on. I think this might make more sense and help with leveling through the material stages(Wood>Stone>Iron>Steel)


    It's an interesting idea. You mentioned that later when you get guns the melee is obsolete. I disagree with this because melee doesn't use up ammo. If you play with big hordes you might quickly run out of ammo, but with melee you can keep on going. Usually i combine melee and guns even in the endgame. However i also don't see a problem with weapon skill being removed. Weapon crafting is a grindy skill to level so it might be better without it, but ofc some of the grindy would just carry over to the other skill categories. If the skill is removed i hope there will be still enough skill points available to get the perks you want. One change would be that you can't just level weapon skill and pick any weapon to fight with, but rather first pick a weapon, then level the skill and then stick to the weapons you get under that skillgroup. I suppose one benefit from removing the skill could be that you probably won't get good iron weapons early on, to make the progression a bit slower.


    I can't tell which way would be better but i think it could work if you want to try out your idea.


    I also wanted to post about the hornets since i also had some issues with them.


    This happened before the latest update that reduced the hp. I have a few concerns about the hornets. The main one is about the venom. Because of the horde system, you can expect hornets early on regardless of biome. The most likely place to encounter them, is when you hide for the night in a building, and you're on the roof where you are elevated and closer to the hornets for a long time. This also means it will be really dark unless you have alot of fuel to fuel several torches through the night. Before the last update i fought a hornet, and i shot it with about 30 arrows (playing on Insane) before it died (i tried to shoot as many with sneak damage as i could but not sure if it worked). While shooting you can't hold a torch, so you will be dodging in the dark on the roof, which makes it very likely to get hit and poisoned. Once poisoned, it will be no easy task to get the antivenom. First, you must succesfully harvest the hornet corpse, or make an effort to find another hornet (which can be hard), to get the venom glands. Second, you will need a chem station, and third, you need a beaker. Getting a chem station early on, and in the limited amount of time the poisoning stages give you may be down to having or not having luck. The third and most difficult part is getting a beaker. I tried finding a beaker with scavenging level around 10, and i went through all shelves of a pop n pill, and dozens of med cabinets in the village where i was but found nothing. There's also the possibility of crafting a beaker, but i think this is only possible if you started as scientist.


    So i would say that in most cases getting stung within the first two weeks or so will result in a situation where you can't save yourself. I like the challenge of being poisoned, but i would like to see a better chance to make an antivenom if you get poisoned. For example, make beakers a more common drop, or make antivenom not require a beaker when crafted in a chem station, perhaps make it possible to craft antivenom in a campfire, or make chem stations easier to craft in the early game, or add a second remedy that can be used instead of antivenom that requires some effort but also not completely down to chance to get a hold of (could be one that cures early stages only).


    I'd also suggest lowering the hornet hp some more. (30 hits -40% = 18 hits)

  8. Is the mod intended to be compatible with "always run" setting? I am assuming it makes all zombies switch to night time speed?


    I noticed that all the lumberjacks run faster than a running player when playing with "always run". This makes it impossible to survive if you spawn in the snow biome. I had a look in entityclasses and noticed that the snow zombies don't have a set night time speed, so i am assuming they all run at the default speed which is very high.


    I think the speed of the zombies matters alot, since there is a big difference between just barely being able to escape, or having no chance to run. Also late game if you want to fight a horde in the night, and the zombies are significantly faster than you, there are several situations where you can not avoid death even if you have prepared carefully. I think facing the running zombies instead of hiding away would be more rewarding with the fastest zombies set to slightly slower speeds. (If you only face a few zombies you can slow them down by shooting but with a big horde this won't work). I'm not sure about the right value but i have a feeling that speeds over 1.3-1.4 or so will gain on you quickly. Thoughts on this?

  9. Question?


    How many people pay True Survival at a time in your games?


    Reason for asking is I can increase the amount of zombies on screen at one time during the game stages at night. Vanilla is only 8 zombies spawned at every players base at one time at night. I have increased it to 10. I can crank this up some more and each base will have a nice little fight instead of a drip of zombies but if there are 10 players at 10 bases and i have it set to 15 alive at one time that's 150 zombies and a server crash. But if True Survival players have no more than say 5 different bases active at night i can raise it to 15 no problem. If its normally 3 I can raise it more. If its just your group playing togather I can make it very interesting :) (think the horde on TWD that walked into Alexandria) So let me know how many separate groups of players normally play the Mod with you during the night time.


    Most i have ever seen on is 4 players. Usually 1-2 players besides myself. I'm not against upping the amount but i think the amount is already pretty good. In the beginning i've been forced to retreat from close combat several times when there have been too many zombies, which is good.


    Edit: i am talking about the official server that is

  10. I have been attacked by followers twice. First time it was one with an smg or ak shooting me until i died. Second time it was one with i think a pistol or magnum? Both times it was fairly soon after the follower had fought with zombies, so i am guessing that the NPC mistakes you for a zombie if a zombie hit him and he hasnt healed up yet or something similar. So far this is all i can say.

  11. Is the server still up @ pw:hardcore ? I havn't been able to find/connect. What's the server name currently? If it's not up will it be back up some day?

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