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  1. Hey guys, sorry for the noob question. As you'll see below, I'm not a techie extraordinaire. We're trying to translate a JP game into English, and UABE is doing an excellent job of converting all the files we need in order to do that. My question is, how do we put them back? Basically, the game has its files organised as a combination of a compressed file that doesn't seem to have an extension (?) and a .manifest (both have the same name). Inside the compressed file lie .png image files, and .dat text files. We export the .png as .png and the .dat as .txt, which yields excellent results. But at some point, we'll need to convert the .txt back into .dat, put the .dat and .png back into the compressed file, and finally make that available as a mod. Is this something UABE can do, and if so, is there a tutorial for that anywhere, or would I need to look elsewhere? EDIT: Should have added - I've been modifying the exported .txt files and trying to reimport them using plugin > text import, but that doesn't seem to work (it doesn't actually overwrite the old file with the new one) and I'm not sure what to do, or if I'm even doing the right thing. Thank you very much in advance!
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