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Posts posted by WesternDevil

  1. I have same issue. It's so bad that when I'm looking at the ground and looking left and right really fast I can watch the light from my monitor create a strobe effect on my walls. Disabling AA, and lowering resolution to from 1440 to 1080 helped, but it's still there. It's the only reason I quit playing 7d2d and I really wanna give the new update a go, but it's not fun to play like this.

  2. On 7/1/2020 at 10:43 AM, SkitzTGPG said:

    I'm not 100% certain, but I believe the 3 Slot Forge mod is making it tricky to actually take things out of the output of the Forge. It seems like the cursor decides on a whim if it's going to highlight it to take or not. It's not all the time, but rather about 80% of the time. The interesting part is, sometimes it seems to flash like it wants to highlight it (When mousing over it) and then decides either yes, I can take it, or no I cannot.

    Love your mods in general and am excited for DF A19. Just wanted to post this to make you aware - again, can't say for certain it's the 3 slot forge modlet or not - But I've only got the vanilla game, +3SlotForge, BackpackButtons, HP Bars, and Max Animals/Zombies installed.

    I have same issue with forge. It's usually just the items in the furthest left (first) output area. Repeatedly opening and closing, or turning on and off the forge seems to fix the issue for me though.


    I also have an issue with the 96 slot BP with food and water mod where the icons aren't big enough to show if it's a schematic or read/unread book. It's just an icon without the schematic icon in the top corner. Makes it a bit tricky when selling stuff cause I can't tell if I'm selling an item or a schematic. I'm playing in 1920x1080 16:9 resolution. Adjusting the UI scale and the resolution settings makes no difference. I switched to using the 60 slot backpack mod and everything works and looks great with that mod.


    I've attached a screenshot of a gas can recipe in my inventory. Since there is no recipe icon, it just looks like I have 1 single unit of gas left. Just thought I would put this in here to let ya know. Great mods! Love 'em! Keep up the great work!


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