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Brunik Rokbyter

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Posts posted by Brunik Rokbyter

  1. 13 minutes ago, Uncle Al said:

    As far as 'useless duplicates' goes, the idea seems to be that once you maximise a crafting skill, your relevant perks (if you have them) no longer increase the drop rate of the magazine that supports that craft.  Other players' skills don't impact your drops, and you still always have the baseline drop rate of the magazine type.  That means if you count drops once one person on your team has maxed out skill as 'useless', yeah I'm afraid you'll keep getting drops that don't unlock anything the team can't already craft.

    To be fair, I power skimmed this thread looking for confirmation of this... but couldn't seem to find any.  That's what happens when you walk up on a monstrous 40 page thread and hope to input fears and hopes and dreams 😄 


    Knowing that its "one magazine gives points on one skill" and not "This magazine gives this point" similar to how it is now makes much more sense, and makes things more easily "feasible".

    2 hours ago, Roland said:


    If you feel you MUST have a forge before Day 3 you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. I feel that it is safe to say nobody will go 30 days without a forge but if 3 days is your breaking point I'm not sure whether you make it.

    *WAS* the game breaking point.  Then they super softened it... then they added canned water, and then they tightened it again.  Long iterations ago expectations... trying to make sure I understand the intent so I can look better forward to what I expect to see 🙂


    I'm ALWAYS excited to log in here and see patch notes, and more excited to get to play with the new toys!

  2. Been playing off and on constantly since A7.  I wanted to say a thanks to the team at TFP for the thousands of hours of joy you have brought myself, and my friends/family/community!


    I am a little worried about the magazine concept so I wanted to ask a few questions......


    So, I remember RNG hell of one of the early teen alphas (12?) where you HAD to find a forge blueprint.  Like, surviving until day 3 without a forge was difficult.  There was a very very difficult "survive" play cycle, and then a very obvious thrive play cycle after, and the forge blueprint was complete and total RNG.  


    The reason this was actual RNG hell was because it was gating your capacity to make basic food/water.  Some of that was cleaned up with tin can's for boiling water before a pot, and charred meat as something you could do.  


    So... for the questions!  My family typically plays as a 4-5 unit.  Typically each person picks an attribute to play with primarily, then branches slightly as we get further into the game.  This gives us each a feeling of specialization.  My concerns are around "RNG duplication" in a multiple player environment.  6 copies of a magazine no one needs anymore where we have 1 we just can't find that's gating our capacity to get to something we NEED.


    I was thinking a trade-in system?  3-1?  I have 3 magazines I don't need, so you give me 1 I don't have?  


    I'm not sure if this has application, because I noticed there were levels to each skill, and I can think of a few ways to "tier" things to make it work out right.... but i'm just trying to think through what has been issues in the past and different ways to avoid similar issues with new systems.


    I hope everyone is having a fantastic day, and I look forward to any information you might can provide on the "skill" system specifically, as well as any systems that might can be used to help players playing alone that need all skills, as well as players who are playing in a large group and want to "feel specialized"!

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