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Posts posted by Coosta09

  1. Thanks guys! 

    Yeah by same team I mean I hired them all and they worked together for about 30 min and then just randomly decided to get into a brawl for no reason.  


    Stay here just makes them stay there until they are attacked. Then they wander off or chase a zombie and never return to the place I told them to stay in. 


    Pathing Blocks? Do I craft those or how does that work?  


    Lastly, are Harley Quinn, sniper NPCs, and Heavy Machine Gun NPCs not available to be hired? 

  2. Thanks so much guys! BTW I tried spawning them in and it worked great until all of a sudden they hated one another.  Farmers attacked army men and cow boys started shooting at baker and none of them could die because they were all on the same team so I had to get creative and spawn a giant horde over and over until they all were wiped out.  Not sure what happened there! 


    I see that the "patrol this route" and also "guard this spot" feature from A17 are not in this version.  Are they missing because of a glitch or are you planning to re add them later or am I just missing something?  Because right now I tell my NPCs to stay or wander around and eventually they all wander far off and never come back to the base.  Having a set point they return to when out of combat or a patrol route would be so great.  

  3. Sorry if this has been answered, but I have spent 20 in game days looking for NPCs to hire and have only found 2.  I even put on flight and just zoomed around the map searching.  Is there something I am doing wrong?  Where do they spawn and how frequent?  I built a fortress and wanted a bunch of NPCs to guard it with me against massive hordes but they are so rare in my game! Is there a console command I can use to just spawn them in?  Any help would be much appreciated! 

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