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Record Comments posted by RoloDage

  1. Awesome!

    I did a little more digging on the original setting, and it looks like only the locked containers had the "door" tag, the rest did not.

    If the intent is for breaching slugs to only do damage to locked safes but not unlocked safes then the "door" tag likely needs to be re-added to the locked containers.

    If the intent is for breaching slugs to always do bonus damage to safes, be it locked or unlocked, then adding "safes" to the breaching slug effect is likely a fine fix.

    In other words, from what I can tell:
    A20:  Breaching slugs only do +1000 base damage to LOCKED containers, not the already opened ones.   Given both locked containers and unlocked containers both have the "safes" tag, the only way to mix/match to get back to A20 state would be to re-add the concept of "door" tags to safes and keep breaching slugs as only bonus to doors, not also safes.

    Basically just depends how TFP want the item to work.  Personally I think it should always do +1000 damage to safes.  If it can blast thru steel doors it can certainly blast the steel off an already unlocked safe!   Trigger discipline!

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