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Posts posted by Voidghost

  1. Hi. A question about vehicles (experimental). I'v repaired a motor bike and noticed that it can't move if the weight of the items I'm carrying, or that + the weight of the items in it's storage is above 350 (so say 50 in the storage and 310 in the backpack would pin it in place). I can carry 327.5 now and I'm going to get to 367.5 soon and if I'll get on the bike with a full load, I't won't be able to move. Is this intentional?

  2. I noticed something about mining that I thought I'll note here. Mining potassium gives a lot of xp (as in vanilla) but mining iron or lead gives very little. I guess xp from mining is linked to how many items you actually get and as you changed scrap iron/lead from mining, to ore it still gives xp according to quantity. I wonder if you'll be changing this?

  3. 18 hours ago, Subquake said:

    Easy Anticheat must be turned off, you have to have a clean A19.4 copy of the game without any other modlets.

    I will look into the jar/bottle thing. As for MREs, ammo boxes and other items from A16, I'm still working on the mod, it's by no means finished, since A17 dropped, I basically worked my way up from scratch with this version of the mod and been doing nothing but work on the mod for the past 2 years and there's still a lot of items that need to be brought back, but thing is, old mod had icons in very low resolution for them, the XML code is not compatible with current version of the game, so that takes time to remake all that in HD. Loot change is also an ongoing process. You can search in creative menu for most mod related items by typing "ulm".

    Thanks for the reply. Oh, and you might want to write somewhere that you can pick up storage containers and other objects by holding E - it took me a while to figure out this useful feature (or maybe I just didn't see the info, if it's in the game already?).

  4. Hi. I've been playing your mod for a while and it's great. I'd like to note 3 things and ask a question. Sorry if this isn't where I should post this, but it looked like the right place. 1. Water in a glass jar waits 0.4 and in a plastic bottle 0.5. Shouldn't this be tho other way around? (The plastic bottle looks like 1,5 l and the jar 0.5 l but they do give the same amount of water and you can boil the water in the jar without a pot, making it just more useful). 2. Faucets don't give anything when destroyed (they give themselves in vanilla which can then be scrapped or melted). 3. When scrapping brass, I noticed that at least some items get heavier when scrapped. Shouldn't scrapping remove unnecessary things and make it lighter?


    My question is about some items that where present in the previous version of this mod (in A16). There where MRE's in airdrops. Perhaps this might seam a bit overpowered as I remember finding whole boxes of them (so I think 10 - 20 items after opening), but this felt realistic as this is what would really be dropped. Also, there where boxes of ammo - this doesn't really make a difference as now you have weight and stacking in your inventory is unimportant (so keeping the ammo in a box saved space before). There where also fresh food items found on zombies and in the world. You could make some interesting items like salami (then you could slice it and make pizza which required salt you got from digging sand). There where also items you could examine and disassemble in your backpack). I understand that these weren't the priority, but I'm not sure if they will be eventually added or for some reason I just didn't encounter them? So, do you have a list of all the items you've added and maybe another of those the first version of the mod had (and if the second, old list would have added/ won't add / maybe later by the items we would know how things are)? This would also help with what you can find in the world (as some specific block being destroyed with some specific tool giving you something you don't know even exists might not be discovered by most players). Anyway you've made a great mod.

  5. Hello. I'v been playing since alpha 16. After about a month, I felt a bit burned out (I did everything there was to do). Then I discovered your mod - it was GREAT. All those crafting recipes, the additional resources (salt from digging sand :) ), the stuff you took apart, the MRE's in the drops (and not stuff that often looks like someone was cleaning their basement and decided 'I'll just drop this junk in zombieland'). Since then I tried other mods, but yours was the best. Now I'm waiting for this version, just like the rest of the people here. By reading the posts, I understand you've got a working version, but you reserved it for your supporters? I get that completely, but could you tell us when you'll release it to the wider public? You posted on April 23 'no less then then 2 weeks', so is it going to be the seventh this month, or a later term? I don't want to be pestering you like this, but I'v got to level 53 in vanilla 18 and decided It's time for a mod. I can wait, but I would be great if you could give an exact date. And thanks for all your hard work.

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