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Posts posted by Carpetdiem

  1. On 5/9/2020 at 7:56 PM, DerPopo said:

    I am reworking most of the UI and internal logic except for the AssetsTools library. The code became too much of a mess with program logic entangled with UI and file version dependant stuff, memory management from hell and so on. Most of it was a symptom of UABE growing from a bundle export/import tool created within two days to a fully fledged bundle and .assets editor. The AssetsTools library is quite okay though. So far, most of the new foundation is complete.

    Key feature will be opening files on the fly, including any amount of bundle files. File loading and other tasks run in the background and some modal dialogs will be replaced with modeless ones so the program stays responsive. Some parts of the UI will look the same even though most of the code is being written from scratch.


    Bundle files with compressed directories but uncompressed data will no longer require decompression (which applies to most bundle files in PC games). I also plan on doing a proper resource / resS file management for texture and maybe audio import.

    I have some plans for proper console command support but I'll focus on the UI first. At least it won't require code doubling anymore.

    Windows XP support will also be dropped since it becomes too big of a burden. I don't think anyone will mind at this point but who knows ^^

    classdata with 2019.3.9.zip

    That's great news!
    Indeed I do not think dropping XP support will have a huge effect xD

    I noticed that in some bundles some objects will have a negative PathID but once dumped they will show a positive one (for example -759717258652825319 will become 17687026815056726297). There is obviously some conversion happening here but I'm not sure what? Would it be possible to keep the negative ID in the name of the dumped file for more convenience?

  2. On 12/7/2019 at 11:54 PM, DerPopo said:

    I'm currently reworking the UI and doing some other internal changes. I can't give an estimate on when it'll be ready, though.





    Could you give more details? There could be many reasons, such as incompatible types, bugs or invalid input files.

    Any news regarding this upgraded UI, DerPopo? :) Your piece of software is really useful! Do you plan on adding new functions too?

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