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Posts posted by Jorren

  1. First time poster here. Just playing the game since a few weeks and found this awesome tool to generate maps, however it gives me a weird bug and I couldnt find any information about it.

    Hope someone here knows a solution.


    So when I start a game on a newly generated map by nitrogen everything works fine. Then I start playing and finisihing the initial surviving quest. As soon as I place the campfire, I get the nullreferenceexception error in the console displayed forever.


    I realized that its because the last part of the survival quest starts where I have to find the trader. The trader seems to not exist as the quest shows that the trader is 0.0m away from me.

    I thought that its because no trader was generated (setting was "many" though), so I checked the prefabs.xml but it shows many traders and also the preview of the map shows them.


    Anyone has an idea how to fix this? Tried 5 different maps so far and all gave me the same bug. Dont have the problem with maps generated without nitrogen


    I am also getting this error after generating a new map. I'm not using any re-used saves or mods. Any ideas?

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