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Davey Bones

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Posts posted by Davey Bones

  1. On 6/15/2023 at 12:30 PM, warmer said:

    POI have LOTS of theme magazines. Restaurants have lots of cooking, electronics stores have Lots of electronic/robotics. Ride around and search every newspaper box/mailbox.


    magazines RNG is weighted toward your skill choices. I feel its pretty good IMO. If it was any easier, it wouldn't be fun for me.


    what I like about this is you are rewarded for scavenging and moving to new locations (newspaper box/mailbox)


    in the old system I never had to leave my chunk aside from questing and I'd top out my crafting by day 7

    That's all valid. When I get the time I intend to play around with it more. The issue for me isn't that the magazines are hard to find. I was just making an example of a potential problem. I just have a general dislike of RNG dependent skill progression. After I give it some more time it may grow on me. Never know.

  2. I have to agree on almost all of your points. Only thing I'd argue is the magazine mechanic for crafting. I find it too RNG reliant and it takes something away from customizing your build, your way. Take for example, you have a group that plays together and each person usually fills their niche roll. The builder, the cook, the crafter, the mechanic, etc. In this game that all falls to RNG. Of course you can pass magazines around, but if no one gets lucky enough to snag books for cooking for example, then your cook is left more or less useless, and nobody eats. 

    I feel it could be improved with a Skyrim sort of setup, where as you cook, you get points. Say you cook ten charred meat, then you finally are able to cook grilled meat. Took you a while but you finally figured out how not to burn the food. Just an opinion, I just don't like when things are entirely based on RNG. It's made the game less enjoyable for me. Unfortunately, to the point that I don't think I'll play 21. I'll keep giving it a shot for a while but I actually got to the point where I left and played something else. 

    I was really excited about the skill system rework too. Last time they did it I felt it was a real improvement, this time I feel like they're going in the wrong direction.

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