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Posts posted by Marlin2978

  1. I am so excited that this mod is coming back! It has made me go back to Alpha 16 a few times just to play it. When the newest version is complete is there going to be a version on the 7d2d Mod Launcher?

  2. Tried searching and couldn't find specific answer. I'm confused about fossils. The journal talks about getting them during a digging quest (which I haven't seen yet) and I acquired one when breaking the large piles of rocks with a steel pickaxe. I still need 5 for the crafting diary/journal quest, but have not been able to figure out where to get the fossils.

  3. Outstanding mod! I’ve encountered a “user error” problem. I play co-op with my wife and she accidentally deleted her class quest. I’ve gone into console commands and typed every iteration of ...

    Givequest darylwouldbeproud 3\11 I can think of. Any help from people who know those workings well enough would be appreciated. She was on the third step of the quests.

  4. Query about the Survivor unique crafting recipies


    I placed the Chicken Coop and Rain Catcher (I don't think that is what it is called in game, just can't think of the name now. It is the Survivor specific recipe). It has been almost 3 days and they have not upgraded. How long do those take to upgrade or be able to get water out of? I placed them on an outside balcony and fed the chicken their feed.

  5. Today at 7:05 PM

    3.0 will require a complete wipe of all of your files. Saves will not work on it. We have re-assigned item and block numbers, we have changed biomes, we have added POIs and tweaked random gen. If you are looking for ways to import or save anything you can find this info from other places BUT you may NOT submit or even speak about any bugs related to 3.0 if you do this.


    That's pretty much what I figured. Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not going to mess with any character importing or anything like that. Installed the Mod Manager is about the extent of my mod and programming abilities.

  6. Does 3.0 Require a restart?


    Question in the title. Has this been stated or confirmed anywhere? I haven't seen anything. I'm incredibly excited for it to come, but don't want to start/continue my current game if I'm just going to restart in a short while.

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