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Posts posted by Sparky

  1. I use it for all vehicles, the vanilla ones and also all modded ones. You only need to add them to the vehicles.xml in the horn modlet, f.e. like this


    <set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='manux_vehicleMonoHog']/property[@name='hornSound']/@value">khelldonBikeBell</set>
    <set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleGuppyBoat2']/property[@name='hornSound']/@value">khelldonTruckHorn</set>
    <set xpath="/vehicles/vehicle[@name='vehicleDirtBike']/property[@name='hornSound']/@value">khelldonMotorcycleHorn</set>


    etc. I also renamed the modlet to XKhelldon-GetHorny to make sure it loads AFTER every vehicle modlet, so the new sound applies properly.


    Ok great, thanks for the intel. I also had been wondering if the mod order was determined by the folder names like the old days of ETS2 before steam workshop.

  2. Hey would you be able to update the MRAP and fix its reverse gear which has a very low speed and low torque meaning it can't go up any inclines backwards or get out of being stuck and fixing the running engine sound while driving at full speed by making it so that the sound doesn't change from the initial sound effect? The horn could also do with being replaced, so if you can't update it could you then tell me how I can do it in the XML files.


    I found a good horn mod https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?99458-Get-Horny!-a17-Modlet.

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