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Posts posted by Couvax

  1. I've cleaned my game data, reinstall the game and i've still the same error. I really don't understand. And when i'm turning off all these mods, i can play the game fine.


    PS : Okay, that was it. My reinstall was not clean at all. I've delete all the files and NOW it's working ! Thanks a lot ! :)

  2. It's A20, so i thought it was meant to be played with the 20.0. For a weird reason, my game isn't recording any logs. I've logs from 10/05 but i've tried things lately and it didn't registrer logs.


    PS : I've logs now, let me link you my file.. This is my most recent log : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_3nfGGZnnav5UO4SPJXXUbCfBl0hdcIN/view?usp=sharing

    ( I'm a Boomer with forum, i dunno how to post my .txt, so here it is on my drive. )

  3. Hi ! I'm currently having hard time trying to make the mod Wasteland work. Like, i'm pretty sure i've all the modlet needed to make it fonction, but when i'm creating save, i can't enter my world because of the " error instance objet. " I think i really need help here because it's becoming annoying ! 

    This is my mod folder right now :  https://ibb.co/MVsS8TP

    And this is the error i'm getting https://ibb.co/cFW0dvz


    PS : i've backed up my game to Alpha 20.0

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