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Posts posted by Reaper67

  1. I am trying to design a modlet that introduces sayin abilities for the player and am stuck on toggle-able flight. It seems that the function ought to exist in the files somewhere, since you can toggle flight with cheats enabled, but I haven't been able to locate it.


    I have ideas for other features, though I haven't gotten around to actually building anything yet. Input is welcome as I'm sure plenty of folks will have ideas I hadn't thought of.

  2. Would it be possible to move the onselfequip explaination post to the front page? I, for one, typically watch the front page of mods for updates (as they tend to get buried if posted in the general thread) I've been waiting on an update sonce 18 stable hit, finally decided to scour the thread for info.


    That's a fair point. I think it would be nice to have a link to the current issue on the front page. As far as I know, we're waiting for the next patch at this point.

  3. @Hedich

    I make no assumptions about your character. We all have moments when we come off more hostile than we intend. However, maybe try not being so defensive, or assuming the age of someone you've never actually met. For all you know, I'm 90 years old.

    That said, none of your retort negates my points 😝

    Love you too

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