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Posts posted by BluntTongs

  1. 1 hour ago, madmole said:

    Any time you take the player out of the game they feel less attached. Replanting seeds is a good mechanic and makes players feel more invested in their crops.

    After having given it some thought, you make a good point - it does make the process of farming more active than passive, even if just for a comparatively small amount each week. It's busywork, but it's busywork I'm okay with since combat makes up a pretty hefty chunk of the game and a nice spot of farm management helps break it up.

    Personally I'd really prefer to get more seeds outright than crops, then having to spend more time counting beans and crafting kernels to replant the fields, but I understand it's meant to help reward smaller "plant whatever" gardens.


    Hell, if we're really gonna go whole-hog with farming investments, maybe auto-regrowth could even be reintroduced later on through fancy, expensive-in-materials-and/or-dukes "hydroponics planter" blocks for endgame farming sort of like how solar is for electrical generation. "Yeah, you want to be a lazy farmer so bad? Invest in it." I think that could work.

  2. On 12/11/2021 at 4:29 PM, Blake_ said:


    It's subtle, but I enjoyed more planting once than the current system. The biggest thing here was that it saved time.



    This. Or hell, not even that it saves time necessarily, just that I didn't need to go back over and repeat the process after having used up some of the harvest to craft seeds - in A19 I immediately knew how much crop I had to work with and I didn't need to spend the effort to craft and replant like in A16-. I'd much rather have lower yields but an intact plant if the crops are just going right back into the ground anyway; it's the same result, functionally, but with less fiddling around with seed crafting and replanting crops.


    I'm mostly okay with Living Off the Land being necessary to really do any farming, but even with t3 LOtL the effort involved in replanting isn't something I'm looking forward to repeating over and over, especially when introducing "downgrading" plant harvesting was one of the things I feel A17 did right. I'm sure there's a way to balance recurring-harvest plants that accounts for the lack of busywork involved as compared to A20's system.

    I'll probably cope.

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