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Posts posted by Scythe-Messiah

  1. I just read through the chunk reset option and related and I really like the concept of it and very very greatly appreciate it's upcoming addition. While I currently use loot respawn, chunk resetting is far superior since terrain, blocks, and challenge get restored rather than say loot rooms made accessible via previously activated shortcuts. I know in an MP environment I'll want the setting enabled so that everyone can experience everything in a shorter playtime window and help keep longevity/replayability/accessibility on the server. 


    Ideally, I'd love for the chunk reset to be tied to horde nights. Sort of like how in STALKER games, some degree of resetting/variability occurs in the zone after emissions. This would also potentially allow for high traffic areas to get chunk resets as well (assuming you're okay with that).


    Question: Would it be possible to add an option toggle to reset chunks to the day after horde night vs static day amount? (specifically, I'd want to have compatibility with horde day dynamic ranges).


    Two options I was thinking of was either reset ALL chunks (save the bedrolls/landclaims) after horde days or just chunks that weren't visited before previous horde day ranges (e.g assuming 7 day hordes, if it's day 15, anything that was visited day 1 through day 7 gets reset -- but anything visited between 8-14 stays. Next horde night on day 21, those areas 8-14 gets reset, but 15-21 is good until day 28). 


    Syncing chunk resets to the day after horde nights is an interesting immersive option (imagine survivors re-barricading a building we cleared before horde night but still turned into zombies afterwards when we checked) -- But also has the concrete benefit of "I better grab the stuff I stashed before horde day hits" vs. guessing at when a chunk may reset when I can't remember the last time I visited it. In my playgroup, we'd spend the days before horde night preparing, and exploring afterwards -- so a fresh world after horde nights makes sense with an MP playgroup IMHO. Thanks!


    7 hours ago, andydahl said:

    Bottom line, the "serious counter argument" is that TFP are disrespecting their paying customers in a misguided attempt to attract new ones. It's especially ironic that in selling a game with "early access", they are actually delaying access to the ones who have been supporting them for so long.


    It sounds like the emotional core of your argument is about feeling disrespected, jealous, and entitled to having the experimental update they are choosing to artificially allow access to. I get that that it sucks, I really do. There's nothing wrong about being passionate about wanting something you enjoy. Sure, the first streamer weekend I thought "Man, this is @%$#ty, let me just play the damn game". In my mind, jealously was about taking, entitlement was about it being owed, and disrespect was about not getting what was deserved due to loyalty


    Here's the thing right? To get BEYOND those feelings It requires an emotional reframing for proper understanding and wisdom: Do I want the game to be even more successful? Do I want TFP to keep developing the game? How do I even support development when I bought my copy YEARS ago? How can TFP keep solvency without exposure to new audiences to expand the player base? Can the core 'loyal' audience pay the bills of development alone? Am I willing to delay my gratification so the devs can get their needs met while they work on the game? Am I saying their needs really aren't okay with me?


    There's no DLC for the game and there's no monthly subscription. My dollar per hour is a little more than pennies at this point. To not express my gratitude for that fact alone is utterly shameless and absurd. I've gifted easily a dozen copies of the game, like I've done with other games where my dollar per hour is fractions on the dollar because I'm the one who owes them. Gotta respect what you put your time into. Streamers, youtubers, and modders all do their part. I never would have found the game had I not seen a stream then watched a lets play and thought with a sense of trepidation "Man, I can't wait to play that".

  3. During some of the teaser videos of the tile system, we saw examples of the tiles rerolling POIs from their corresponding bucket of prefabs based on zoning type. It got me wondering:


    Would it be possible to set up a system where when taking a new trader quest you could have an option to keep or 'reroll' the quest's prefab? (ideally, non-player selected from a list of valid candidates remaining in the tile's bucket for that size category)


    Or was the RWG tile rerolling system only for testing tiles in the editor? (e.g. tile buckets only roll once during initial generation, generation system is not exposed, and POI performance considerations per tile and with adjacent tiles take precedence)


    I recognize It's hardly realistic, but it could be a system that would allow people see all the hard work put into POIs without needing obscene map sizes or breaking the gameplay loop. Even if it's a developer mode option only, having the ability to keep or reroll POI's around you that you've already run a couple of times or maybe really enjoy but haven't seen might be a nice way to mix it up for folks who have put a lot of time on their gameworld.


    Anyhoo, just a thought. Excited for the stream and seeing the new tile system, parts, and buckets in action.

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