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Posts posted by heyfunny

  1. 53 minutes ago, Telric said:

    It's the same button you use to turn on and off your helmet lights, weapon lights, and headlights on vehicles, which now that I'm saying it, are you wearing any of those? I never did test while wearing stuff you turn on and off. So it could be that. Ill do some tests later today on that idea, but if you are hitting that button and its not doing anything, try taking off your lights first and see if that works. if not, load up the game, cast your line and wait for a bite, then once you fail it, exit out and send me the output log and ill look into that.

    Oh geez for some reason I thought it was the same button that you held down for more options on like house lights and stuff didn't even think about flashlights and stuff since I don't use those. Cool had figured I was doing something wrong ^_^ thanks for the quick reply ^_^

  2. I love the idea for the fishing Mod I play Solo on the Steam version of A20 and I can't seem to reel in fish.  I have my Interact key set to a mouse button using a Logitech g600 (the mmo one) so my lower corner side button is set to the key that open doors opens cabinets hops on vehicles and is set to Keypad 0.  I assume that is the command you use to reel?

    But when I try to fish is does nothing and the number goes to -20 and I catch nothing hear no reeling noise when I press the button.  Is the command I press a different keybind?  What specific keybind is it calling for? I try hitting the "Interact Button" when set to KP 0 and nothing I also tried rebinding it to F and still did nothing.  I tried right mouse button nothing left mouse button nothing.  What am I doing wrong?  Is there a specific like order it has to be in as far as the mod folder? I mean everything else in the mod seems to work.  Just doesn't seem to acknowledge that i am pressing the correct command to reel in. (If this is done with a different command which keybind is it and what section of the keybinds is it under?)

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