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  1. well that did it guys and gals! Just spawned a bunch of juggs and went ham and no crashes! Furmark ran for 20 minutes on a 4k test with no locks ups! So lesson here is test your ram more than once! LMAO
  2. well I will eventually test each stick of ram, just don't have time for that right now. or i'm just too lazy to do that right now. but yes, you can have my old ram that has errors on it!
  3. Older driver didn't work. Was about to give up hope and let memtest 86 run again. Found 6 errors on the first pass. second pass found 2 right away, decided to stop it there and order some new ram. It's weird that I got no errors the first time I ran it but lets hope the new ram fixes it. Upgrading from 2400mhz ram to 3600mhz. Got crucial ballistix 16-16-18-38 timing.
  4. uninstalled geforce experience and driver with DDU and installed just the driver with clean install. Curious if this makes any difference at all. https://i.imgur.com/AgQG4JJ.jpeg It's still ramping up my speed for absolutely no reason while just sitting at the main menu. WTF?
  5. https://i.imgur.com/Ux5konb.png Memory is showing 6000mhz is this for real or this some bug in msi afterburner showing the wrong speeds? Also, the 1660ti is a newer card that the 2060. The 2060 super I believe came later though. So this is by far an outdated/older card. I was just recalling after looking up when I bought this card back in june of last year that I hadn't had any problems with this card until and update in september or october of 2020. Thats when all my problems started. one game after another starting having issues. The more driver releases came out the worse the crashes got causing me to switch from playing one unstable game to one that I could play with no issues. Sadly Nvidia doesn't have drivers past november. I'm 100% positive that if I rolled back to a driver from august i'd probably not have these problems anymore.
  6. ok, so i've been using msi afterburner to lower my gpu core clock and it is definitely helping to keep it more stable. But I don't loaded and installed the newest driver that came out on the 29th and it is more evident that ever that this is a driver issue. With the new driver it had my clock speed running at 1980mhz, not spiking at those speeds but running steady at those speeds which is insane for this card and will undoubtly make it unstable. I had to reset msi afterburner and drop the clock speed again. Its now running at a stable 1635mhz. Not sure wtf nvidia is doing with these driver updates but something is seriously wrong that it would cause clock speeds to go through the roof like that.
  7. well it must have been a fluke, still crashing in furmark.
  8. So on a good note, I underclocked my gpu with msi afterburner. -280mhz and ran furmark with 8x antialiasing and 1440p. Ran for like a half hour and no crashes. So I kinda think this might be a driver issue causing the gpu to suddenly overclock somehow and become unstable. I don't know how else that can happen. This card used to be stable and then it seems after some driver update, that's when all these problems occured cause it happens with outriders, call of duty black ops, valheim, and red dead 2.
  9. https://i.imgur.com/thJ35Bo.png I photoshopped this log file together so you could see what I noticed during the Furmark test when it locked up like 7days does. At the point of the crash the gpu frequency spiked to 1935mhz and the gpu voltage went .85 to 1.03. The gpu shouldn't go over 1850 boosted.
  10. Just shut down. unplugged the video card and reseated it and connected it again. Figured why not try it again. Still no dice!
  11. I've already pulled the card, reseated it, unplugged the power cable and replugged it in. Someone else had suggested that to me. it was one of the first things I had done. sadly I don't have a spare cable. I don't have the 1050 anymore. used it in my dads computer when I upgraded.
  12. The only thing i've upgraded was the mobo from an asus rog b350f to a b550f-wifi. And from a gtx 1050ti to a 1660ti. Had no issues with the previous set up. the power supply is an evga gold 650watt psu. Oh and I upgraded from a ryzen 5 to a ryzen 7. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/y88H99/evga-supernova-g3-650w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-220-g3-0650
  13. https://i.imgur.com/aYd0CiW.png I found it odd that raytracing is enabled on a non RTX card.
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