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Posts posted by TheFlayer

  1. 7 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    Try setattribute instead of set

    I used:

    <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieTemplateMale']/property[@name='CanClimbLadders']/@value">false</setattribute>


    results in the error message:

    SetAttributeByXpath (/config/setattribute, line 2 at pos 2): Patch element does not have a 'name' attribute


    So, it's telling me the patch element needs a 'name' attribute? I'm not entirely sure what that means.


    Edit: I just went in and changed the value to false in the main xml and zombies still climb ladders, so I'm inclined to believe that it's hard-coded or otherwise bugged in some way, and that for the time being their ability to climb ladders is unchangeable.

  2. I want to disable zombies' ability to climb ladders. I can't figure out why this won't work in game. I don't get any error messages upon loading the game. What am I doing wrong? This is what my config file looks like:



    <set xpath="/entityclasses/entityclass[@name='zombieTemplateMale']/property[@name='CanClimbLadders']/@value">false</set>



    and it is entityclasses.xml located in 7 Days To Die/Mods/mymodname/Config


    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


    Edit: I just went in and changed the value to false in the main xml and zombies still climb ladders, so I'm inclined to believe that it's hard-coded or otherwise bugged in some way, and that for the time being their ability to climb ladders is unchangeable.

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