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Posts posted by satasika

  1. 4 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    Yeah dew collectors - judged by the looks of it - would also act as a rain catcher, so that concept isn't completely consistent in itself.

    But in the end it works fine as a low tier (clean) water source. Rain water would rather be murky water imo.

    I came up with an idea: when it doesn't rain, you get clean water bottles, and when it rains, you get turbid water bottles. Does this fit better with the current appearance of the operation?
    Moreover, the speed of collecting turbid water bottles is faster when it rains, and the speed of collecting clean water bottles is slower when it is not raining. Is this more consistent?

    Although these are all wild and fanciful...🤣

  2. The current weapon system gives me the feeling that it has no features, because I often watch videos of some twitch players, most of them get weapons through scavenging, and only a few of them are made by themselves, which also causes the skill system to provide. The "craft" is not enough to attract players.

    If it were me, I wouldn't want to forge it myself, why waste a long time collecting materials just to make a very common tier 6 weapon!

  3. I only use the stable version, which is fine before the A20 (B238) version, but can't be used after updating to the A20.1 stable version.
    I made a item(KnifeDeluxe) using the following code:

    <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/cobo?weaponKnife"/>

    Another item(KnifeDeluxeModFire) modifiers can change the appearance of this item, using the following code:

    <item_property_overrides name="KnifeDeluxe">
    	<property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/cobo?weaponKnifeFire"/>

    When I put KnifeDeluxeModFire into the slot, an error message occurs immediately, and the KnifeDeluxe appearance cannot be replaced, an error message keeps appearing, as follows:

    2022-02-03T07:04:33 101.858 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group 'assemble:
    2022-02-03T07:04:33 101.865 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
      at XUiM_ItemStack.GetCustomDisplayValueForItem (ItemValue itemValue, DisplayInfoEntry entry) [0x00155] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiM_ItemStack.GetCustomValue (DisplayInfoEntry entry, ItemStack itemStack, System.Boolean useMods) [0x0030c] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiM_ItemStack.GetStatItemValueTextWithModInfo (ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, DisplayInfoEntry infoEntry) [0x000ae] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_AssembleWindow.GetStatValue (System.Int32 index) [0x00049] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_AssembleWindow.GetBindingValue (System.String& value, System.String bindingName) [0x004f7] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at BindingItemStandard.GetValue (System.Boolean _forceAll) [0x00013] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at BindingInfo.RefreshValue (System.Boolean _forceAll) [0x0001a] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiController.RefreshBindings (System.Boolean _forceAll) [0x00010] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_AssembleWindow.set_ItemStack (ItemStack value) [0x0004e] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_ItemPartStackGrid.HandleSlotChangedEvent (System.Int32 slotNumber, ItemStack stack) [0x000ae] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_BasePartStack.set_ItemStack (ItemStack value) [0x00054] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_BasePartStack.SwapItem () [0x000b3] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_ItemPartStack.SwapItem () [0x00020] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_BasePartStack.HandleStackSwap () [0x00022] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_BasePartStack.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00269] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_ItemPartStackGrid.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0001a] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiC_AssembleWindow.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00030] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 
      at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00131] in <c86f272aec0d4f97b156393ba4e8f703>:0 

    What has changed in this A20.1 stable version so that this command does not work correctly?

  4. The use of "CraftingIngredientCount" does not limit the minimum value, which will cause too many mods to use this command, and the result of the material quantity being 0 will occur, which will lead to the failure to make items.
    <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" operation="perc_subtract" value="0.8"/>

    Is there a way to solve?
    Should we limit the final result of "CraftingIngredientCount" to 1?

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