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Posts posted by nibato

  1. 5 hours ago, Code6 said:

    Does UnlockedByDefault work for vehicles?  The constant locking of vehicles when they are picked up and put back down is very frustrating on a coop server.

    Sadly it currently only works on blocks

  2. 21 hours ago, bloodaxis said:

    I don't know if this is within the scope of your unlocked by default mod, but would it be possible to have a version that lets us lockpick the doors instead? As in only the prefab in world doors and not player locked ones. Great work on your modlets btw.

    I could certainly look into making a seperate mod to do just that. I'm a pretty big fan of making simple, single purpose mods that can work together. That way the user can customize the experience to their liking.

    I'm in the middle of a home improvement project at the moment, but I'll gladly look into your idea when I get the office set back up.

  3. There seems to be an issue with the AutoQuestShare and AutoAcceptPartyInvite mods not working when you're hosting the game. I'll have it fixed when I get a chance to work on it.


    On 1/7/2022 at 5:44 AM, tatcoolx said:

    hi, are those 3 mods also EAC imcompatible?

    All of the mods I release are EAC incompatible sadly, it's a limitation of c#/dll mods.


    On 1/6/2022 at 5:38 PM, juggleme said:

    I unzipped the file into my 7daystodie folder and they are not working for me.


    As mentioned at the top of this post, if you are the one hosting the game it may not currently work. I'll be fixing that as soon as possible.


    If you -are- playing on a dedicated server, or another friend is hosting the game:
    Make sure that you are -not- grabbing the source code zip file.

    The zip files should have a Mods folder inside that you place in your 7 Days to Die game directly.


    It should look similar to the layout on this picture:


  4. I've added a couple of new mods:

    - Makes doors, chests, crates, and other blocks unlocked by default


    - Auto-accept any party invites from allied players


    - Automatically accept incoming shared quest invites, and send shared request invitations to party members


    As mentioned in the first post, the latest releases are always available at https://github.com/Nibato/nibmods-7dtd/releases

  5. With A20, I finally decided to fix the pet peeves I had with the mouse sensitivity and aiming down sights. Thus, I present the following mods:


    This mod dynamically scales mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights with weapons.


    The aim sensitivity in your settings menu is ignored completely. Instead, this mod uses your default FOV, look sensitivity, and the weapon's current ADS FOV when calculating the new sensitivity. If you move your mouse a 1/4 inch, your crosshair should move roughly the same amount of pixels on your screen regardless of how zoomed in you are.


    For more information on the math behind the sensitivity scaling, please visit https://themeta.com/converting-sensitivity-between-fovs-focal-length-scaling/




    With this mod, your screen will always be zoomed in/magnified by the same multiplier. If a scope enlarges your target by 3x with a Look FOV of 50, it will also enlarge your target by 3x with a Look FOV of 85.

    This is accomplished calculating a magnification value based on the default FOV of 65, and this magnification value is then applied to your Look FOV setting when aiming.


    The latest version of my mods, and the source code for them, can always be found at https://github.com/Nibato/nibmods-7dtd/releases



    Simply extract this archive into your 7 Days to Die folder, disable Easy Anti-Cheat, and enjoy.
    These mods are client side, and do not need to be installed on a server.

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