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Posts posted by JRavens

  1. Awesome! Thank you so much!


    Worse comes to worse I'll install A17, but I've been editing things to my own liking in A18 and pretty much everything stated in your mod description is among things I want to add or change LOL :D

  2. I hope this has helped a bit. Good luck, and ask more questions if you need help.


    It did! Thank you very much sphereii.


    I think I see now that a lot of my experiments were hit and miss because I wasn't always naming the files properly (bonehead assumption on my part).


    I appreciate the help :)

  3. Hi guys. I feel really, really dumb. I've tried and tried to grasp XPath and been through the tutorials and looked at other mods and I just cannot get the syntax of it right. Sometimes it works for me, but mostly it doesn't seem to.


    Can someone help me understand how to alter the birdnest block as an example and maybe I can finally get a firm understanding of how some of this is supposed to be properly done? I picked this block because I do want to change it and also I think it's a good example of covering several different cases such as altering, removing and appending lines.


    Here's what I could really use help with:


    1) Does the name of the XML file in a modlet matter? For example Can I use birdnest.xml to implement changes (provided I use proper syntax and nesting) or does it need to be blocks.xml ?


    2) Does nesting in the XML file need to contain <config> or <configs>? Is there a necessary syntax for that (it doesn't seem so judging from other modlets I looked at trying to understand). Can I just use <JRavens> or <blahblahblah> so long as it has the requisite closing piece </JRavens>, </blahblahblah> etc.


    3) Let's say I want to change a blocks material. In this example changing the birdnest from Wood to Grass (because well I think it's a little silly that birdnests have 100 health, clunk when you walk over them and explode into wood chips when destroyed). I tried this with no success:


    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntBirdnest']/property[@name='Material']/@value">Mtallgrass</set>


    4) Since I don't want bird nests to be harvested (just destroyed) I want to alter the harvest and destroy lines

    (i.e. I want to player to get a some fibers and maybe some additional feathers when a nest is destroyed)


    So I want to remove these lines:

    	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceCloth" count="1" prob="0.3" tag="allHarvest"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceFeather" count="3" prob="0.35" tag="allHarvest"/>
    <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceFeather" count="2" prob="0.6" tag="allHarvest"/>


    What's the proper syntax to remove those drop events?


    5) Then say I want to alter this line to drop say half as many max fibers:

    	<drop event="Destroy" name="resourceYuccaFibers" count="2,8"/>


    So would this be a correct way to change that line??

    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntBirdnest']/drop[@name='resourceYuccaFibers']/@count">2,4</set>


    6) Finally lets say I want to append (add) in some lines to give a chance to drop some feathers (bird feathers often get stuck in nests and are even used when building them... actually lets go ahead and add back in a tiny chance for cloth or even paper to have been used as material for the nest...).


    Would this code be proper?

    <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntBirdnest']" > 
    <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceFeather" count="0,6" prob="0.8"/>
    <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceCloth" count="0,1" prob="0.01"/>
    <drop event="Destroy" name="resourcePaper" count="0,1" prob="0.01"/>



    Thanks for any help and / or pointers. I am really struggling with this for some reason. I've never been good with code / regex style strings and such... my brain just doesn't work that way. I much prefer plain text, but I understand the need for xpath and so I would like to understand how to compose it correctly so I cna make my own modlets / mods. Thank you :)

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