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Posts posted by FringeRecall

  1. Also yea re: 3rd effect_group. I realized that the AS_MiningTools_Lvl LT 100 requirement wasn't right as if you added a point manually it would have thrown the total off and you would still be getting level-up messages post-100. It wasn't a big deal, it can't go above 100 anyway, but it may be confusing for the player. I came up with a work-around but if I end up having no manually placed skill points anyway it's a non-issue.


    Also I said I'd release an update once we hit stable, didn't realize that was going to happen this fast heh. I'll prob get it out in the next few days. Very interested in feedback regarding leveling speeds of the various skills. I ended up speeding up weapon leveling a little, mining leveling seems pretty reasonable as is.


    The main thing really is that I am trying to understand what the purpose of 3 separate effect groups are. As in, why are there 3 and do they need to be set up that way? The 3rd was easy to figure out. The 1st appears to perhaps be an "initialization" group, maybe? It's the 2nd effect_group that is being called and I can't really figure out how or where from or essentially what causes the 2nd effect_group to become processed.


    In response to the speeds of leveling, well... I suppose that will be subjective to nearly everyone who has an opinion. Those who want it different badly enough, can change it themselves otherwise perhaps the logical choice may be to try and mimic the A16 speeds.


    Looking forward to your updates, Thank you. While I'm not doing exactly what you are the concept and logistics of auto-leveling has been immensely useful. Much appreciated and I'll give credit for your work and help when I go live.

  2. @Deceptive Pastry


    I'm still working with your mods and have a question if I may. I've spent a LOT of hours working with the XML and have yet to figure out the exact sequential syntax. For example, in progression.xml you have 3 <effect_group> tags under xpath "/perks/perk". The first sets the passive values for the perc_add based on perk level. The second is a bit more confusing. I'll paste some of your XML to show.


     <effect_group name="AS Mining Tools Lvl Increase">
       <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="AS_MiningTools_Lvl" operation="LT" value="100"/>
       <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="AS_MiningTools_XP" operation="GTE" value="@AS_MiningTools_LvlNextTotal"/>
       <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfHarvestBlock" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="AS_MiningTools_LvlNextAdd" operation="multiply" value="@AS_XP_Mult"/>
       <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfHarvestBlock" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="AS_MiningTools_LvlNextTotal" operation="add" value="@AS_MiningTools_LvlNextAdd"/>
       <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfHarvestBlock" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="AS_MiningTools_Lvl" operation="add" value="1"/>
       <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfHarvestBlock" action="ShowToolbeltMessage" message="Mining Tools level increased"/>


    According to this, first it verifies that the "AS_MiningTools_Lvl" is LT 100, then "AS_MiningTools_XP" is GTE to "@AS_MiningTools_LvlNextTotal" - At which point it can continue to the following lines inside the <effect_group name="AS Mining Tools Lvl Increase"> tag? The problem I am having is: When and how is this 2nd effect_group tag being called? I'm not following entirely how this works and it is giving me serious hell when trying to duplicate and/or modify your results.


    (I edited to remove problem #2, I figured out that the 3rd effect_group tag is when you manually add a skill point to the perk.)


    Thanks a bunch again for your mod and in advance for any help you're willing to provide.

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