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Posts posted by shadowgar

  1. So, looking at these goals and based on what they promised. Has anyone from the team posted a list of what they have accomplished yet?


    250k they were to hire new people. They have 6 million? Was anyone hired to help implement anything? Where is this 6 million going?


    I really think that if any company asks for money that money should be open to public review. This game would be nothing without the donators funding but I'm not seeing any communication to the community on whether they are hitting goals and using the money for what they said or if they bought a boat and hookers.


    Granted, I've seen "maybe" some goals met but with every kickstarter game I have seen, the dev team always has a post somewhere with the Goals they promised and what they have accomplished. Roadmaps are nice even if they don't have dates. A list of goals with no communication of if they even have been met or worked on isn't a roadmap.. its a list.


    Mad, can we get a good list up of what is actually going on and what goals that have been promised have/have not been worked on? A Big picture roadmap would be nice. I would hope this is already documented for you guys internally, shouldn't take much to modify and post.


    Or just post the picture of the boat so we at least know haha


    Well, thats even if anyone there reads this. Probably wont get anything asked.

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