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Posts posted by PurdyDot

  1. 4 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    No worries let me know how you go

    I put on most of the valmars mods that we were using before, and didn't see any issues, so i put on the collection of your mods that we wanted, and a couple of others as well, and so far i haven't seen any problems.
    Thank you very much! :D
    For reference, the mods i have running now, are bdubs vehicles, plus khain's lockables slots
    And these stallionsdens mods

    plus these valmars mods

    sorry, didn't see an easy way to output what all mods were installed, so i did screenshots 😕

    anyway, i haven't noticed any problems yet, sooo, fingers crossed! ;D
    and thanks again! ~~^_^

  2. 10 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Stallionsdens and Valmars Update: Version 20.6.3

    Changed the loot placement from main group to sub groups
    Reduced loot on many from 1 to 0,1
    Reduced places you can find items
    Reduced amount if items in a container when it is choosing how many to shoose (IE: count="1,3" is now count="0,1"
    Changed loot_probability from low and med and medlow to veryLow
    Added possibility to find items in the trader. 

    Alrighty, i'll try it out :)
    for reference, after wiping 7d2d and installing 20.0 from scratch, i still had the issue, so i have no idea what was up with that. tried 19.6, and the problem seemed to vanish, since i looted maybe 12 or 15 trash and found none of the dyes. but since i never found *any* i don't even know if the mod was actually working. lol
    anyway, i'll go ahead and try the updated mods with a20.6. i'll wipe again and start from scratch, just to make sure things are clean from the get go.
    thanks again :)


  3. 7 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    i got a fix coming had to re write parts of the loot.xml but will get them uploaded today as i ran out of time last night sorry

    oh, cool :D
    That's no problem at all. You are the one taking time out of your day to help me, so i certainly have no complaints :)
    In the meantime, I got the bright idea that IF the problem was caused by a change to the game, or update or whatever, then maybe i could get the game working by "downgrading" to a previous version. so i tried 20.5, still had the problem. 20.4, same problem. jumped back to 20.0 and *still* had the problem. so i've completely wiped my copy of 7dtd, deleted the leftover folder, and installed a20.0 from scratch. currently generating a new world to test it.

  4. While I was waiting, I decided to try a couple more things to try and see if anything I'd done on my end was causing the issue.
    So, this time i didn't use mod launcher to set up a new copy of the game. i just used my default vanilla install of 7d2d.
    I manually installed the sealed meat mod, and started my game. I generated a new small world with all of the settings at default *except* that persistant profiles was set to "on".
    started the game and ran to the first garbage bag i saw, which apparently was being protected by a dog, and managed to open it and see 25 plastic wrap before being killed by the dog ;(
    deleted the save and shut down the game.
    deleted the sealed meat mod from the mod folder.
    downloaded and extracted a fresh copy of the dye station mod, and moved it to the mods folder.
    Started the game, created a new game using the world i'd previously generated.
    being killed instantly by the dog left me too depressed to generate a completely new world lol
    loaded in and ran to the first loot container i saw. (can't remember what type it was, some kind of trash on the ground.)
    in contained 1 each of the special items for the mod. paint and dye or something?
    ran to a fruit stand, opened everything there that i could, i can't remember exactly what was there, but the 2 or 3 things (one was a cash register) that were lootable, all just contained normal loot.
    then i ran a little further and opened some kind of trash type loot container. it contained a couple of pieces of normal loot, and 2 each of the same special items from the mod that i'd picked up before. paint and dye or whatever.
    Sooo, i dunno. I eliminated the chance that it was something to do with using mod launcher for the creating my 7 days install. seemingly eliminated the chance that it was caused by any custom settings (except for persistant profiles i guess). seemingly elimitanted the chance that it was caused by applying a mod *after* the world was generated. (at least with in the first case. second mod was tested with the same world generated while using the first mod).
    So I'm completely out of ideas as to anything I could do to fix things on my end.
    Also, my friend who was also testing, was on a completely different computer, and running off of his own single player game, and he had the same issue.
    Other posts that I've seen on the forum didn't seem to be having the same problem we were having, but all the posts i looked at were from a while back, so it made me wonder if something was changed with the game itself, some update or something, that triggered a problem with mods made for a previous version.
    That's the only idea my brain has been able to come up with.

  5. 16 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    see for example the sealedmeat loot.xml reads this - 

    ```<append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupCupboard01']">    
            <item name="Clingwrap" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
    <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupJunk']">    
            <item name="Clingwrap" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
    <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupGarbage']">    
            <item name="Clingwrap" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
    <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupBackpacks01']">    
            <item name="Clingwrap" count="1,3" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />

    so you will find them in cupboards, junk, garbage and backpacks. 

    so if you are looting them and getting them everytime that has to be something else as the settings are veryLow. 
    will keep prodding it tho and see 


    yeah, my buddy looked into on of the config files thinking he could turn the spawn rate down, but said it was already set very low.
    I didn't touch or alter any of the mod files. The only changes i made, were through the regular game menu when I started. and on the last game i put the loot back to 100% before i generated the world. So I can't think of anything I would have done that would have changed spawn frequency or anything.
    for reference, we are on a20.6. I created the install using mod launcher, but then added the mod files manually, since they weren't available directly through the mod launcher.


  6. 35 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    what are your loot respawns set at in the settings

    On the game in the pictures, loot is set to default/100%
    in the videos, I think loot was usually set at 150, but i think i changed it a couple of times


  7. 9 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Hi PurdyDot


    I shall take a look today. Are you still getting other loot as well or

    yeah, there's other loot.
    I just generated a brand new world with only the dye mod active, to eliminate the possibility that there was a problem with the world i'd generated earlier, and these are the first two loot bags i opened.
    so the problem persists even on a newly generated world with only the one mod active.
    when we had most of the mods active, the loot containers that didn't have the items like these, usually just had an empty clay bowl and no other loot.
    I can't remember much specifics because we did so much testing that it's all a blur, but i can try and answer other questions if you have any :)
    I was streaming while trying out the mods, so if you want to see some of it in action, i'll include a couple of links.
    but, keep in mind, these are long and *unedited* streams, so it might require a lot of fast-forwarding and rewinding to see what's relevant 😜
    This is my wife and i trying out the modded game last night running off of our dedicated home server

    And this is from today, on a single player game, when I got serious about trying to figure out what mods might be causing problems.
    If you have any questions, let me know :)


  8. Hi :D
    Some friends and I decided to try your valmars mods, but we've been having some problems 😕
    The primary problem we are trying to fix right now, is that most types of trash/loot containers contain a bunch of the same types of special crafting related items.
    I can't remember them all off the top of my head but, for example:
    When I start a game with *only* the
    Valmars Sealed Meat mod active, I suddenly start getting a bunch of plastic wrap in almost every container.
    When I disable that mod, and start with *only* the Valmars Dye Station - Colour Your Armor mod active, I suddenly start getting a dye and spray paint in almost every loot container.
    I spent about 3 hours on this earlier today and my brain is burnt out, so i thought it was time to ask a professional lol
    any ideas?

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