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Posts posted by Fhav6X

  1. @ libaibaba the files do seem to be encrypted, the decryption is likely done in one of the game modules.




    Just in case others are interested, I've just answered on github : https://github.com/DerPopo/UABE/issues/238


    Sadly it does not work.


    No mater what I try, UABE still reverts the MonoBehaviours to 0x72. The most successful approach so far is to enter the file type UABE shows (0xfffffff8 in my case). At least UABE then creates a file that is shown as "0xFFFFFFF8 (MonoBehaviour)". Yet viewing the data of this file shows that it is a standard 0x72 type and importing dumps/raws of the 0xFFFFFFF8 type doesn't change that anymore.

  2. I'm trying to add a new MonoBehaviour with a nested class to an assetbundle. Sadly uabe always revert the file type (in my case 0xFFFFFFF8) back to the the default MonoBehaviour (0x00000072) and cutting have of the data with it.

    Exporting and importing from and to existing MonoBehaviours with nested classes of that sort works fine. So uabe must know those types.


    Can anybody tell me how to create new MonoBehaviours with nested classes?

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