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Posts posted by Godessia

  1. Hi, Damocles!


    Is there any way I can make snow spawn while having the landscape option set to "random (no mountains)"? I've already tried adjusting the height at which snow spawns, but there's still no snow biomes generating.

  2. If anyone has successfully integrated the Ravenhearst POIs into NitroGen, let me know.


    I pasted the lines of the POIs into the NitroGen prefab file, as generously uploaded by Melts, but when I start the world generation up, the console reads, "Array index is out of range" and the world generation doesn't progress from there.


    Edit: Found my answer here

  3. Hi, sphereii!


    I'm trying to install my mods to H:\Program Files\Gaming\7 Days to Die - Modded\, but for some reason the launcher doesn't seem to like that I have spaces there, so it creates its own directory at H:\Program_Files\Gaming\7_Days_to_Die_-_Modded\. Is there any way I can circumvent this or fix it?


    Thank you!


    Edit: Never mind. I found a reply earlier in this thread that answered my question. My apologies.

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