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Posts posted by Saera

  1. I really do not miss the 6984321 glass jars found in the first few hours of looting though, so right now I like this change.

    Just wish they would go back to it at some point and find another way.  Maybe not craftable jars - only lootable (and rare-ish find), and there is a chance that they will break after use, or during water purification.

  2. I am uncertain about stealth; I have not used that mechanic of the game. I am more concerned with how the light and dark changes so quickly and drastically from one block to another, that it makes me want to literally vomit. 


    My husband turned his gamma all the way up and it has minimized it a lot. I do not want to have to do this because I love being in the places and areas that should be truly dark. It is scary and immersive.


    An example I have is we were in a house where there was a hole in the roof. I moved under the hole, everything was super bright, even the darker areas of the house. When I moved one block to the left, everything went dark fast, including anything lit up by the sun. There were many areas like this. Moving slightly creates such an extreme change in lighting from one block to the next - some which also didn't make sense (how can be being in a bright lit area allow me to see into a dark area/how can me be in a dark area turn the sun lit areas dark too?)  


    I am hoping they turn down the numbers for the lighting differences, so it is more even, and less drastic. 

  3. So far loving 21. Have not had a chance to experience everything yet, but so far its neat. Runs a lot better too!


    However... the lighting is something I really feel needs to be fixed. Even walking into the shade of a tree, makes everything so dark -even so that the areas lit by the bright sun, look like they are in the dark. It is also weird indoors - moving slightly, everything is goes bright to dark to bright.  It is wayyy too extreme, and not how light/eyes work. It makes me so nauseous, the constant light intensity changes.


    Is there a way to change the lighting settings, or just turn this feature off completely?


    Other than that, nice update friends. So far very difficult, and very fun!

  4. I have been infected for days and can not quite get rid of it. I also seem to get infected really easily.


    Not a pill or enough honey to be found. I am the walking half dead right now.


    It does seem that antibiotics stuff is very rare!


    Edit: Not complaining though, I like this feeling, being on edge. This infection is keeping me in fear, especially since getting hit while infected is no good. It has made me be a LOT more careful and focus on my surroundings.



  5. No, no no, nothing about the stripper poi or stripper zombies makes me feel objectified. In reality, nothing about removing money from dumb horny men seems objectifying of women. Personally, if I was younger and had the body I would be up there being "objectified" and makin that cash too. LOL


    Kidding aside, seriously, its a game, play it or don't. I am glad you are looking out for your daughters and this is one thing you can control. Play it dont, You can also mod it to your liking.  Remember they are going to encounter a lot of adversary in their lives. Teach them to be strong to deal with it personally, but do not give in to this cancel culture mentality. It helps no one and soon freedom wont be freedom anymore.


    Personally, this lady votes for the strippers to stay!

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