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Posts posted by Tarkkh

  1. Wait what ? Traders can reset ? 'CAuse i'm replacing all guards that dies by turrets. and double quest seller is really cool to have.


    So do we need to move out of the trader ?


    Also question, are the new biome found in every map ?


    yes they can just had that hapenning on my base »_» rip it was cut in half lmao

  2. Trader should respawn automatically. The spawn block is set to respawn them at their inventory reset time, which is 6am.


    Guards are intended to NOT respawn.


    EDIT: Also forgot to mention this. When respawning stuff from the F6 menu that you want to stick around, make sure you tick "From Static Spawner." That should fix it... no guarantee, but should. :)


    I was indeed selecting that option.. My guess is since i used the trader POI to build my base i prolly destroyed their spawn blocks. oh well


    Thanks btw


    Having a great time with this game now that i finaly got to mess with mods XD

  3. @KhaineGB is there a way to spwan permanent npcs back into the world?

    My trader somehow disapeared along with 3 guards ..and if i comand menu them back in after a game restart they will be gone again...

    was looking up to see if there was a solution somewhere but couldnt find one...


    I actually want to do that with the guards eventually, but currently having issues with EntityAliveSDX + ranged attacks...


    ...to the point my ranged NPC ran up to a behemoth and started kicking it in the crotch instead of using her bow. Soooooo.... yeah. :D


    I have been messing with that myself trying to create a proper follower Fallout style using the code in there!

    Used the seasoned survivor skin/smg gun and named her etc .. works fine shes using only ranged atcks ... the issue is

    1 She kills everything on sight

    2 she does 2 much damage

    3 If i m in the line of fire » RIP

    4 The AI is a bit clunky


    Would be great if i find a way to solve the 3rd point.. cuz damn its insta kill if she fires at me XD


    So in your case if your using the base Archer AI i think you will have to remove the special atcks or the aproach and atch funtion so it only atcks with melee if the target is 2 close


    IDK i m newb at this

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