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Posts posted by LackLustaFilaBusta

  1. I personally like the new mag system for the most part, apart from sometimes looting a better version of something I can make. I think the skill system needs a rework though as far as things go. Having to dump so many points into various attributes to get access to certain perks that you more or less need feels bad or trying to play with 2 weapons that aren't the same attribute. A lot of perks can also be combined to make the player experience more enjoyable.

  2. 1 hour ago, Andy Red said:

    This isn't a story driven game, it's a horde crafting game... and that's what we have been given.

    So what if it's still classed as Alpha by status, and that we're now onto the 21st Alpha. We aren't paying by the Alpha - it's free content updates.
    Nobody would be complaining if it came out of Alpha status 5 years ago, but then these updates still kept coming out and were just classed as normal updates. It's only the fact that the updates are called 'Alpha' that people are fixating on. Nobody cares about the status at this point - they're updates, they're free, and they (in most cases/most people's views) make the game better.

    It's not the fact that's its still in alpha its that every alpha they push back stuff they promised would be coming in order to reorganize the same couple of systems over and over again. They waste so much time making balances that they eventually end up redoing anyway in the next alpha.

  3. 1 minute ago, Scyris said:


    Considering how much the game hates stealth playstyle as it is? it'd kinda fit with how anti-stealth tfp is going.

    Yeah stealth is iffy in poi buildings but in city settings I like it cause I can take out targets easily without getting attention from anything else.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Scyris said:


    Or just lower the stats. I was thinking 2-3 groups could work, Offense, Survival, and Utility. something like miner 69'er would be a utility skill. Stealth could be survival, sneak attack damage would be offense, as would all weapons melee and guns. The problem is less the stat system and more how everything is too spread out. If all weapons were in 1 stat i'd not mind the stat system as much as I do.

    I mean I think both stealth perks need to be combined having them split is an insult to stealth players especially if they ended up in 2 different branches.

    Weapon skills need to just be a learn by doing thing because it makes more sense that way and would provide a better gameplay experience vs I put 10 points into this attribute and now im great with clubs.

  5. Just now, Scyris said:


    Miner 69'er and motherload are another 2 that could use being fused into a single skill.

    Exactly there are so many skills that can be compacted to improve qol for the player. They should also move them to a attributeless tree if they stick with the whole attribute system that way we have more access to them without having to dump so many skill points into attributes we dont want.

  6. Honestly it feels like so many skills need a full rework at this point. A large majority of these "General stat skills" could be combined to make life easier and so it doesn't feel like a huge investment of your skill points to go for something like Lotl when you need points for so many other things as well. For example Hidden Strike and From the Shadows should just be one skill considering if you are going for stealth you are gonna want both. Or even Animal Tracker and The Huntsmen should be one skill since they work together thematically.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Scyris said:


    True, they redo too many of the systems far too often, no arguement there, like I said in this thread or another i've been in several early access games, and 7dtd is the only one that seems so.. wishy washy like this. Its caused the game to stagnate and basically not go anywhere really since a16. I mean a21 is pretty much mostly a art update alpha, not gonna lie it looks good though, but I wish they'd stop focusing on making the game prettier and focus more on the gameplay and performance side as thats where vanilla suffers the most atm.


    When people ask me if I reccomend 7dtd I usually tell them this: if your willing to get into mods its a great framework for mods, but the vanilla game is lacking in many aspects, if you were gonna buy it just for vanilla i'd not reccomend it to be honest, but if your willing to mod it, the game will last you a long time, as many mods completly change the game.


    I feel like they could easily make a great skill system, they have all the pieces to make a good system if they'd actually integrate them together. Learn by doing for weapons and harvesting and learn by reading for crafting with some perks that dont fit either category using skill points would create a decent system that gives everyone something they like, but instead they want to rework the poor skill system we have now that limits the player greatly.

  8. I get that the fun pimps want to make "their game" but they released an early access game to get our feedback and our funding, but that seems to be worth nothing these days. We playtest the experimentals for bugs, we funded their dream but when it comes to our honest feedback they consider our opinions the minority and continually push back most new content in favor of reworking the same progression and skill systems.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Scyris said:


    Some mods back in alpha 16 had bandits with guns. Darkness Falls to name one, its not like the raycasting system guns use has changed much from a16 to a21/22. Its actually part of the reason why bandits are delayed, TFP is having issues making the bandits just not be laser aimbots, due to the fact they don't/may not want to change the whole gun system to support them properly.

    And I'm sure that they could have found a way to make it work by now if they didn't sideline it to continually rework systems that they have no idea on how they want to work. I mean its alpha after alpha they delay stuff that was supposed to be added in it just so they can rework the same couple of things.

  10. 1 minute ago, Scyris said:

    You think this is bad? wait till we got bandits with guns, you think melee zombies are bad? wait till 10 bandits with laser-guided assault rifles just spawn and charge you from 3 sides at once. Its part of the reason I hope when bandits are in you can disable their spawn entirely in the game options. I got no interst in aimbot npcs with guns in 7dtd, they just don't fit. The gameplay does not support that sort of playstyle it'd need major changes across the board to be able to support it properly that it'd turn into a completly diff game. Bandits are going to be a crapshow i'm calling it now.

    They have to actually get around to adding them first lol, I'm sure alpha 22 will be yet another skill system rework instead

  11. 3 minutes ago, Scyris said:


    Erm your losing bonus 50% damage, reload speed and other things, not to mention the headshot damage. Using a weapon without investing is prob using it at about half its potental or less. Its why I want learn by doing skills for weapons that controls its perks like pummel pete level you can have, as well as the bonus head shot damage being in the learn by doing skill. Harvesting tools would control miner 69'er/motherload, Salvaging could be wrenching. Basically, I want the stat system gone, or at least have weapons/tools decoupled from it.


    Darkness Falls is a good example of this done right, though craft tier for items is more level gated than anything. like lv 1, 10, 20, 40, 80. lets you make Ql 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51. All the weapons and mining tools etc, have their own learn by doing perks.


    Apocalypse now does it a bit differently, it has one General Perk stat to control all headshot damage, and all weapons perks that goes up to lv 20. Then it has classes for more specific perks, like Miner has heavy armor, miner 69'er and motherload, and you up it by crafting books from scrapped schematics/recipes.


    Both are far better systems than vanilla has. The whole stat system needs to go in the damn trash, as its especially poor for single player. I myself pretty much am still forced to go str, as it has miner 69'er and motherload, both fairly vital perks in single player, so I usually just use clubs as my melee. I dispise the fact I have to waste points in a stat to be good with another weapon, and yes its a waste. I like rifles, but there is really nothing else I deem vital in perception, so investing it in just for the rifles skill is a total waste of skill points. The issue is even worse in a21. Sex t-rex is gone, so now you have to take a stat to 10 and max up the weapon/tool line for that one specific thing to match what sex t-rex used to do for less than half the perk points cost of one line that applied to everything globally.


    Like have people not done the math? Sex t-rex was 5 str to max. and greatly reduced stam costs for everything, now in A21, for the same amount of points, you get half the effect of sex t-rex on only ONE weapon or tool type. Its a net loss. Yes I go str builds, but even if I didn't I'd still be talking about how gated it is now. It how costs you double the perk points or more, to get the full effect of sex t-rex on only 1 weapon or tool. I hope you people are happy, as you just made it super inefficent for everyone. I wish TFP would add sex t-rex back to str, and just have the game use whichever gives the greater stam reduction bonus. Thus giving players choice, they can ignore str and focus on their chosen weapon, or spend the lower perk point cost to get stam reduction on everything across the board.


    So tired of Tfp removing choice from the players and forcing us to play in inefficent ways to meet their vision whatever the hell that is these days.

    I think a mix of learn by doing and mag system could resolve a lot of the problems. Learn by reading can control the crafting aspect while learn by doing can control effectiveness of weapon/harvesting skills. Then just have a single skill page to spend points on perks that don't fall in line with either system like iron gut or advanced engineering.

  12. 6 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    Those are great ideas....for a RPG.  This is not a RPG though.



    Thing is though, nothing is stopping you from using the M60 just because you haven't perked into it.  Sure you are not as powerful as someone who specifically perked into Fortitude, but this mindset that you can only use the ranged weapons that you perked into is an internal issue which one approaches the game, not with the game itself.  Shotguns used by my Agility character deal damage to the zombies just like the Strength player, just not as effectively.


    Also, if you are building a small farm, you need just one point (or at most 3 points for LoTL2 and Tough guy glasses) to spend to improve your returns.  You are getting 4 back (possibly up to 5 with LoTL2) each time you harvest and that is more than enough unless you are the farmer for a large group.  Then you should be getting up to LoTL3 in that situation.

    Pretty sure LoTL doesn't even give 5 crops back anymore at max rank and that skill alone is broken with only the 50% chance to get a seed back on harvest. You can't really have a self sustaining farm unless you get extremely lucky and get your seeds back on every harvest.

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