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Posts posted by Grs

  1. 2 hours ago, Kalantris said:


    No idea what kind of 1500€ PC you have there, but me and four of my friends had to downgrade to low or mid with some stuff on off/low to have two-digit FPS during horde nights regardless of our hardware. We span from R5 to overclocked R7s, from 1080 to 3060 and we're all at 32gb+ of RAM. The game works terribly bad, I get drops to 8fps on blood moons with my CPU/GPU at 20% usage. Missions in cities are extremely hard, if we linger too long, night falls and random zeds start spawning, we're all down to 20-40fps. I'd gladly skip all new content in A21 in favour of at least a bit of optimization, because right now it's extremely bad.


    Best regards,


    I second that. While I do Max out zombie numbers during horde nights, the fps goes below 10. I believe it has something to do with how the game uses cpu and zombie pathfinding. 

  2. I don't mind making the game harder and boosting survival aspect, but doing it artificially, especially going again simple logic is moronic. I like that this game receives tech improvements. But gameplay wise? The fact that you can't melt snow for a water is stupid. If you believe it's making survival too easy, then make it colder or something. Snow biome would be easier to survive on the water side, but harder in something else. It's fun. It brings divercity and choice. And it follows the common sense of the real world. And now you simply dumbing it down for the sake of balance. It's immersion breaking and stupid. Same goes for disappearing bottles. I am very disappointed with this changes. What you do here is a poor game design. 

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