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Posts posted by GrunkaLunka

  1. Well it's day 50 and another trader bites the dust. Great mod in most respects, but I have to disagree with the decision to not protect the traders. Sorry, but this is too frustrating for me (I could spawn them in, but don't feel I should have to do this).

    Guess I'll take a break from 7DTD and play some Darkest Dungeon while I'm waiting for A17 to drop.

  2. Great mod, except for the fact that traders are unprotected. Only finding destroyed trader posts with no trader. So essentially you're playing a game with no traders, which takes a lot of the fun out of it. Will try the mod again if this changes.

  3. Thinning the herd for profit


    To clarify: there is a quest called 'thinning the herd for profit'. Text is 'The club has gotten reports of stronger and more advanced zombies appearing in certain areas. Stop these new herds before they become a problem'. Then it lists 8 new named zombies, of which you have to kill 10 each. The reward for this quest is the 'minibikes for dumb♥♥♥♥s' book plus 5 skill points.


    If these herds only appear in the wasteland, for instance, i'll never find them, as i avoid wastelands because of those friggin land mines and raiders. I know you can assemble the bike without the book, and i have found all the parts EXCEPT minibike handlebars. So frustrating!


    So my question was can these 'stronger and more advanced' zombie herds be found randomly anywhere, in which case i have at least a chance of finding them. If they are only found in the wasteland biome, i'll have to venture into there, much as i'd like not to.

  4. Thinning the herd for profit


    Are these 'more powerful' herds found in a particular biome? I avoid wastelands and burnt biomes as a rule, so if that's where they are found, i'd like know. If not there, where? I need that minibike book! TIA

  5. Trying to get a second class


    Built the research desk, want 'farmer'. The only thing I see farmer related is 'farmers chest', so spend 300 points and get that.

    Got the chest fine, but needs key to open, and no key given? Did I screw it up? thx.

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