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Posts posted by tanner_cassidy

  1. Easiest way to get wires is to use a screwdriver on tv's, night sands (with lamp) and other stuff with electronics. you can get wires from wooden blocks if you break them with a hammer, but its not guaranteed


    I tried tvs and stuff like that but didn't get any... I tried some more wooden blocks, and after a while I got some wires. Only the claw hammer seems to work for that.


    Thanks anyway for your suggestion !


    I have another question : I can't figure out where I am supposed to craft the screwdriver... I got the skill, crafted the mold, got the materials, now what ? I Tried workbench, forge, anvil... The description in skill category says "Craft it on the metal working bench" but I don't see this metal working bench anywhere :o

  2. I recently started playing this mod and it's really fun !


    So far I solved all of my problems exepct one : I can't fin Electric Wires anywhere. Somebody know where I can loot these ?

    I read on a previous post that it's supposed to be looted from wood/concrete frames inside prefabs but I couldn't find any. Do I have to use a specfic tool ? Is it in a specific prefab ?



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