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Posts posted by Jazual

  1. Sulfur isn't much of a bottleneck after your harvesting 6+ rotten meat from corpses with a titanium machete after horde night. The dogs and bears give much more.


    I almost to want ask if it can be toned down, haha.


    I also found another typo in the Sunblocker description. "Whenerver it's told." That could be the pronunciation from the book/movie of course, I just can't remember. 😁

  2. Because they count towards the maxalive, get stuck a lot, and move slower than the rest, thus you get less zombies.


    So the vulture spawns could be creating that delay too. They tend to flap around a bit, and in some cases wander off.


    Thanks Guppy. So Khaine mentioned that you could define the duration value? Pretty please?


    Khaine, the only entity groups that I could find crawlers listed in that's getting called from the

    BloodMoonHorde entry in gamestages, are the ZombieBadassGroup, and the ZombieFeralNight. I went ahead and removed them.

  3. Don't lower the maxspawned. Lower the amount of zombies that the server decides can be spawned as that is what ultimately controls horde nights. You can test this yourself by setting 8 as the max, then 16, 32, etc. I think TFP said 32 gets really, really laggy.


    Hmm. I'm confused. I set the gamepref in serverconfig.xml MaxSpawnedZombies to 40. I didn't edit the gamestages.xml.


    So how I'm understanding it, MaxSpawnedZombies is the maximum allowed to spawn at any one time.

    BloodMoonEnemyCount is set to 12, so my assumption here, is that it spawns 12 zombies per player (to a maximum of 40).


    Now, in the gamestages.xml, I'm seeing lines like the following;

    <gamestage stage="800"><spawn group="ZombieFeralNight" num="83" maxAlive="87" duration="3"/><spawn group="BaseBreakersBears" num="83" maxAlive="87" duration="3"


    I'm guessing my cap of 40 is overriding the maxAlive value of 87, and the num is the total from that group that will spawn for that gamestage.


    I'm really liking Guppy's values, as it extends horde night, however, there have a couple of nights where we must have reached the maximum "num" value for each group, as around 1AM the zombies just stopped spawning (except for the few crawlers that take all night to get there, heh).


    So that's why I edited MaxSpawnedZombies to 40... to reduce the number of zombies causing a load on the server. Or do I have things borked?


    Also, do the survivors count towards MaxSpawnedZombies, or MaxSpawnedAnimals? Or are they completely different. There sure are a lot of them. I think they may be secret members of Hydra.


    Thanks man, and cheers!



  4. I found a typo in the gamestage.xml for one the of zombies. It's in every entry for that entity.


    <entity name="ZUMABuisnesswoman" />


    I've been tinkering in the gamestage.xml as well. The last couple of horde nights on my dedicated had some serious server lag (CPU utilization stayed around 60%, and RAM used was 9GB out of 16GB). It "seems" like it happens when the bears show up. For now, I've lowered maxspawned to 40, however, the 7 Days server console was throwing some weird errors (I didn't capture them) regarding writing back to the save game location.


    Edit question: What is the duration value? I'm seeing values from 1-3.


    Also, I'm able to craft titanium bars (not forged titanium, the bars for like windows and such) in the advanced forge without learning the titanium recipe (I'm not level 150 or whatever). I think I got the bar recipe from one of the masteries.


    Anyway, the group is having fun with Darkness Falls. :) Running over entities with the minibike is one of the salient features. ;)

  5. V1.7.5 is live and on GitHub!


    [*]metalPipeCap, metalPipeCorner, metalPipeFlange, metalPipeJoint, metalPipeStraight and metalPipeValve all added as craftable items for decorative purposes.

    I think that's everything. :) All seems to be working nicely on this laptop, so download and have fun!


    I just squealed like a little girl at her first Rolling Stones concert. Thank you sir!

  6. Ok, Khaine, props for the Big Bad. He came as a complete surprise, leading a pack of jogging irradiated cops, and let me just say... I need a new base.


    This is by far my favorite mod!


    One tiny, minuscule, request? Would it possible to mod in the ability to craft the darned pipes that are purchasable from the trader? They never seem to have them enough quantity.


    Cheers man, and well done!

  7. Most excellent! Thank you.


    Ok, last question (for the day), and I'll leave you alone. I have the farmer mastery now, and I'm still unable to use fertilizer. I'm using a scrap iron hoe, and I have 30+ fertilizer in my inventory, however, when I attempt to till earth (grassy ground), I'm getting the "ding" and the icon stating that I don't have fertilizer.

  8. Not gonna lie, forgot to add buckets to it.


    I shall do that later. Makes sense you should be able to.



    All is forgiven. I have the memory, and focus of a gnat, so no judgement here. ;)


    So if I wanted to make the change myself, would I simply add the following lines (taken from emtpyJar) to the bucket item?

    <property name="Focused_blockname_6" value="workingGraniteSink"/>

    <property name="Focused_blockname_7" value="workingOldSink"/>


    Or would there be more to it?


    Thanks man! (I totally get it though if you don't want to guide a dope such as myself through xml editing).

  9. Well I died my first death in this mod and it wasn't what I figured would have killed me. I was by a trader outpost fighting a zombie, and well.. The guard npcs 2 shoted me while "trying" to hit the zombie.. So yeah just a heads up... Don't go near zombies if they in the range of those trader guard npcs, cuz their aim sucks.


    Heh, that happened to me too a few versions ago... I wait until the gunfire stops before I peek my head out now. :)


    Also, should we be able to fill buckets with the Working Sink? I can fill bowls, cans, and bottles, but sadly no buckets.

  10. ...huh...


    I haven't had that. That's a new one. I'll have to see if I can reproduce it.


    To clarify, it is a banana tree I planted.


    Also, regarding farming. I understand the seeds need be planted adjacent to the water source, however, will this work for earth placed above the water source?

  11. Loving this Mod


    Seriously man. Excellent work, and design. I just wrapped up a SP game at night 91, and I'm looking forward to throwing 1.6 up on my dedicated for friends. I think what really appeals to me about your mod is slowing down the progression. Gating perks behind levels is a good start, but I dig the tool requirements for the additional forges, and workbenches. It was around day 80 that I finally found a sewing kit (I had to cheat and look through the xml files to find where they spawn).


    Also exploding dogs. :rapture:


    Looking forward to 1.6!


    Also, is there another way to buy you coffee? Old mistrustful here doesn't use paypal.

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