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Posts posted by Zerkzor

  1. <item id="797" name="Q_FinalExam">

    <property name="Extends" value="challengeQuestMaster" />

    <property class="Action1">

    <property name="QuestGiven" value="FEX" />


    <property name="DescriptionKey" value="Q_FinalExamDesc" />



    I don't see the problem. Should work.


    I just tried the blade weapon 4/5 quest again, spawning in the animals needed for completion and killing them. Same issue as before, null reference spam locking my game. Since I have admin-access I could recreate my Player file so no harm done this time, and this time around I didnt buy the machete recepie beforehand. I hope this gets fixed, I really miss my machete from vanilla.

  2. Sorry, To say I was frustrated at the time is an understatement. A friend of mine that has Xml knowledge looked at the file, and even HE couldn't figure it out. The only thing he or I can think of is that there may be too many 'objectives' for the game's HUD to handle. But when I attempted this fix the quest disappeared entirely. So at least the save is usable again.


    I think the quest disappearance is due to my use of removequest while it spammed errors, though I noticed that givequest can't be used to re-add any quests... even default ones. o.O


    Did you manage to solve this issue? I've had the exact same thing happen but with blade weapons 4/5. As soon as I killed my last questobjective (bear) and the quest updated to stage 5/5 I got the same error spam and I can no longer login to my server.

    I've tried to "removequest Q_WBA5" but nothing happens.

    Not sure if this has something to do with me already buying the recepie for Machete before I knew it was a questreward.

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