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Posts posted by Darkeclipse747

  1. You did everything right. This is the way War of the Walkers 5.2 works. You work on all classes' quests in parallel. And you can only truly complete them after finishing all 5 out of 5 sub quests for each class.


    Alright, so rough start compared to other mods, but at the same time give me long term goals, pretty fair.


    thanks for the reply

  2. Class selection not working?


    So from the videos i been watching and the way i read the description of the mod I was under the assumption the class system was like Valmod or Ravenhearst where you get a paper, ceaft it to a briefcase, and then get said items with the key...


    But it isn't, or i did something wrong?


    So i start game, get my crate and beginner quest, i place crate and get items inside and drom placing it, then i complete the breadroll quest and...thats it, then it showers me with a ton of class quests to unlock more quests [and a little exp but no other rewards]


    So, did i do something wrong? Or is this how the new version works?


    It isn't bad, i jsut wanna make sure i know before i get started, some of the quests are long/time consuming and i don't wanna waste my time doing them if the mod is already broken


    Thanks in advance for any tips and advice

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